Hi All,

I'm currently working on a subclass of
org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.multipart.FilePart that allows the
multipart post to be stopped prematurely.  It would be really nice to have
protected access on the member variable source in FilePart, so I only have
to override the sendData function as opposed to most of the class.  Any
chance of getting this changed?

--- FilePart.java.orig  Mon Jan 26 16:40:39 2004
+++ FilePart.java Mon Jan 26 16:41:38 2004
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@

     /** Source of the file part. */
-    private PartSource source;
+    protected PartSource source;

      * FilePart Constructor.

- Robert Lasch
Follett Library and School Group

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