Alex Hunsley wrote:

Btw, is this mailing list protected against spam harvesters?

No, as far as I can see not. I complained about this issue when Eyebrowse went online but my complaints were graciously ignored. Anybody on the PMC who is responsible for that?

I know the
archives are published online, are the email addresses in the messages online protected in any way, or are they ripe for the harvesters?

Even worse, we have archives in mbox format here accessible for the public:

There are some more archives that archive our lists:
 *  does a very good job at filtering out email addresses
 * is not bad, but not good enough
 Don't know about the rest.

Actually >95% of email I get is uninteresting mailing list junk, SPAM or virii, about 10-20 MB per day.

Ortwin Glück

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