I remember asking a related question maybe a year ago.  I asked whether
apache.org mail servers have anti-spam software installed, and the
answer was negative and without an explanation.


--- Ortwin_Glück <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Alex Hunsley wrote:
> > Btw, is this mailing list protected against spam harvesters? 
> No, as far as I can see not. I complained about this issue when 
> Eyebrowse went online but my complaints were graciously ignored.
> Anybody 
> on the PMC who is responsible for that?
> >  I know the
> > archives are published online, are the email addresses in the
> messages 
> > online protected in any way, or are they ripe for the harvesters?
> Even worse, we have archives in mbox format here accessible for the 
> public: http://jakarta.apache.org/mail/bsf-dev/
> There are some more archives that archive our lists:
>   * mail-archive.com  does a very good job at filtering out email
> addresses
>   * marc.theaimsgroup.com is not bad, but not good enough
>   Don't know about the rest.
> Actually >95% of email I get is uninteresting mailing list junk, SPAM
> or 
> virii, about 10-20 MB per day.
> Ortwin Glück

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