
I've just started using HttpClient for testing.  The product that I am
developing includes a software download feature that downloads (sometimes
very large) files over the internet using HTTP.  The reason we use HTTP is
that many of our customers are unwilling to open their proxies or firewalls
to other protocols.

In order to accommodate these downloads, we must either be able to stream
the response to a GET, or we need to be able to insure that the response we
get from the server will be chunked in such a way that the chunks are small
enough to buffer.  I know that HttpClient supports chunking, but I am unable
to 'force' our web server to chunk up the data.  Furthermore, the HTTP 1.1
RFC indicates that the server does not need to guarantee that a response,
even if chunked, will be small enough to conveniently buffer on the client.

What is the best way to use HttpClient to retrieve large amounts of data (as
large as 200 MB or more)?

Bob St. Jacques
Member Research Technical Staff
Xerox Corp.

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