Damn, I have almost beaten Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace" and it turned
out just that ;-)

On Wed, 2004-09-29 at 22:01, St Jacques, Robert wrote:
> Sure enough, this is the case; I was calling "getResponseBody" deep in my
> code.  Thanks for helping me find it ;)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Oleg Kalnichevski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 3:56 PM
> To: Commons HttpClient Project
> Subject: RE: streaming responses
> Bob,
> "Buffering response body" message is written ONLY inside getResponseBody,
> which in its turn uses getResponseBodyAsStream. See for
> yourself:
> http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/httpclient/xref/org/apache/commons/httpcli
> ent/HttpMethodBase.html#681
> It means what there's a bit of code in your application that calls
> getResponseBody or getResponseBodyAsString methods, which causes the
> buffering of the response body.
> getResponseBodyAsStream does reconstruct the input stream in case the
> response has been already buffered, but per default it returns the raw input
> stream, when available. Feel free to examine the source:
> http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/httpclient/xref/org/apache/commons/httpcli
> ent/HttpMethodBase.html#709
> What would HttpClient be worth if it always buffered the response body?
> I have no idea what led you to believe that "processResponseHeaders" method
> buffers the response. The method is even called processResponseHeaders not
> processResponseBody or something
> Here's what processResponseBody method does:
> (1) Gets the raw input stream from the connection
> http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/httpclient/xref/org/apache/commons/httpcli
> ent/HttpMethodBase.html#2014
> (2) If the chunk-encoding is used, wraps it with ChunkedInputStream. No
> buffering
> http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/httpclient/xref/org/apache/commons/httpcli
> ent/HttpMethodBase.html#2038
> (3) If Content-Length header is used, wraps it with
> ContentLengthInputStream, which basically ensures that content will not be
> read past its length. No buffering
> http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/httpclient/xref/org/apache/commons/httpcli
> ent/HttpMethodBase.html#2072
> (4) If there's anything wrong with either Transfer-Encoding or
> Content-Length header, it just leaves the raw input stream alone. No
> buffering
> (5) Finally it attaches a AutoCloseInputStream to the resultant input
> stream, which is intended to close the underlying connection once the entire
> response is consumed. No buffering.
> (6) Keeps the resultant input stream.
> http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/httpclient/xref/org/apache/commons/httpcli
> ent/HttpMethodBase.html#1979
> (7) Now, if getResponseBodyAsStream is called, it will simply return the
> input stream without any further manipulations:
> http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/httpclient/xref/org/apache/commons/httpcli
> ent/HttpMethodBase.html#710
> (8) End of story
> Hope this clarifies things a bit
> Oleg
> On Wed, 2004-09-29 at 21:17, St Jacques, Robert wrote:
> > Oleg,
> > 
> > This is exactly what I tried to do, but the HttpClient seems to buffer 
> > the response anyway.  I poked through the code a bit, and did some 
> > searching on the mailing list, and this seems to be the case.  Also, 
> > when I run tests, the log output from the HttpClient seems to indicate 
> > that the request is being buffered before I even get an opportunity to 
> > call "getResponseBodyAsStream".  I tried this on a request that is 
> > about 17 MB and just sat back and watched as the response was 
> > buffered; I ended up terminating the program after a minute or two 
> > without ever actually getting past the execute method call.  Here is 
> > the output from the logs:
> > 
> >   enter HttpMethodBase.processResponseHeaders(HttpState, HttpConnection)
> >   enter GetMethod.readResponseBody(HttpState, HttpConnection)
> >   enter HttpMethodBase.readResponseBody(HttpState, HttpConnection)
> >   enter HttpMethodBase.readResponseBody(HttpState, HttpConnection)
> >   enter HttpConnection.getResponseInputStream()
> >   Buffering response body
> > <lots of logs detailing the bytes read>
> > 
> > >From here it looks like the "processResponseHeaders" method (which is 
> > >called
> > by the HttpMethodBase during an execute) automatically buffers the 
> > response. Is this true, or am I totally misreading the signs?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Bob
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Oleg Kalnichevski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 3:04 PM
> > To: Commons HttpClient Project
> > Subject: Re: streaming responses
> > 
> > 
> > Bob,
> > 
> > There's no special magic involved. Make sure you use 
> > HttpMethod#getResponseBodyAsStream, which will return the raw input 
> > stream, and not its buffering counterparts 
> > HttpMethod#getResponseBodyAsString and HttpMethod#getResponseBody.
> > 
> > You should not worry about chunking. HttpClient will decode chunked 
> > input on fly, if necessary. Just grab the raw input stream and do 
> > whatever response retrieval suits your application best.
> > 
> > Hope this helps
> > 
> > Oleg
> > 
> > 
> > On Wed, 2004-09-29 at 20:43, St Jacques, Robert wrote:
> > > Howdy,
> > > 
> > > I've just started using HttpClient for testing.  The product that I 
> > > am
> > > developing includes a software download feature that downloads 
> > > (sometimes very large) files over the internet using HTTP.  The reason 
> > > we use HTTP is that many of our customers are unwilling to open their 
> > > proxies or firewalls to other protocols.
> > > 
> > > In order to accommodate these downloads, we must either be able to
> > > stream the response to a GET, or we need to be able to insure that the 
> > > response we get from the server will be chunked in such a way that the 
> > > chunks are small enough to buffer.  I know that HttpClient supports 
> > > chunking, but I am unable to 'force' our web server to chunk up the 
> > > data.  Furthermore, the HTTP 1.1 RFC indicates that the server does 
> > > not need to guarantee that a response, even if chunked, will be small 
> > > enough to conveniently buffer on the client.
> > > 
> > > What is the best way to use HttpClient to retrieve large amounts of
> > > data (as large as 200 MB or more)?
> > > 
> > > Thanks,
> > > Bob St. Jacques
> > > Member Research Technical Staff
> > > Xerox Corp.
> > > (585)231-8306
> > > 
> > 
> > 
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