Ortwin Glück <ortwin.glueck 'at' nose.ch> writes:

> Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
> > Hello,
> > We use HttpClient for performing several HTTP post in parallel in
> > our applications. We have a problem when the server(s) receiving
> > our HTTP post either answers very slowly, or goes mad and sends
> > garbage data over and over: the connection stays open forever,
> > but more important, the Java threads as well.
> Those are all problems you can solve:
> 1. Garabage data
> If it violates HTTP, you will get an appropriate exception. If the
> content is not meaningful to you, your application should be able to
> figure that out and abort the method.

If, for example, the HTTP server sends one "a" byte once per
second forever, HttpClient will never exit from executeMethod -
if I'm correct.

> 2. Open connections
> You can set timeouts for idle connections, so you will get a timeout
> exception after a while. If the connection is active (i.e. client is

Yes, but that's out of the scope of the described problem.

> receiving data), your application should be able to figure out if it
> is legitimate to stay open for such a long time and otherwise just
> abort the method.

There's no such thing available in HttpClient, as far as I know?
This needs a monitor Thread setting a timeout in our application.
It could make sense to implement this timeout in HttpClient, as
I've said in previous mail, however I am not sure it is "allowed"
by the HTTP protocol.

Guillaume Cottenceau

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