
        I've done some scans on this but not really found anything which
will help me.  I'm loading in this snippet of XMLfrom a file:

<ProcessorString><![CDATA[select c.barcode,  c.volume,  c.concentration from
container c where c.barcode in (?)]]></ProcessorString>

 As you can see it has commas in it, so I reread the docs and it states
that this is parsed and tokenises the return String.  To avoid this I need
to set the delimiter on AbstractConfiguration so I have this code:

           AbstractConfiguration.setDelimiter((char) 0);
           String strScript = objXMLConf.getString(strDPRoot +

 However it still splits the string up as shown by the logging output :

0 [main] DEBUG uk.co.ziath.datapaq.server.DataPaqConfigLoader  - script -
select c.barcode

 Does anyone know if the setDelimiter method is functional and/or what I am
doing wrong?

Setup :

XMLConfiguration (from a file on local hard drive)
Non validating
Commons config 1.2 (size - 139,966 bytes)

 Thanks, in advance for your help.



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