Hello all,

I am experiecing problems with mysql regarding connection time outs. This
problem cannot be resolved by the pool settings provided or jdbc driver
settings such as autoReconnect. Here is a more detailed explaination about
the problem (from tss).

A new feature that I'd really like to see in DBCP 1.3 is a time-to-live for
Connections. In particular with MySQL, such a feature is very helpful,
because MySQL Connections can start showing strange behavior when the
underlying connection has been terminated and implicitly reconnected.

Note that such a setting should not regard whether the connection has been
active or idle: After the specified amount of time, it should be closed and
removed from the pool in any case.

A validation query doesn't help in the MySQL scenario: The driver will
automatically reconnect and successfully execute the query, but the
Connection still has a chance of remaining in an inconsistent state. This
won't happen on every reconnect, just on some.

Does anybody know about this problem and what to do about it?


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