Hi all, I'm having problems with serialization/deserialization of a Buffer. My idea is to implement a persistent queue using the UnboundedFifoBuffer (well, I want synchronized access, so I use SynchronizedBuffer too):
private Buffer queue = BufferUtils.synchronizedBuffer(new UnboundedFifoBuffer()); When I serialize the queue to disk an it has elements, all works ok, but when I serialize an empty queue I have some problems when I create a new object using the serialized file(BTW, I'm using XStream 1.1.3 to produce the XML). <org.apache.commons.collections.buffer.SynchronizedBuffer> <collection class="org.apache.commons.collections.buffer.UnboundedFifoBuffer" serialization="custom"> <org.apache.commons.collections.buffer.UnboundedFifoBuffer> <default/> <int>0</int> </org.apache.commons.collections.buffer.UnboundedFifoBuffer> </collection> <lock class="org.apache.commons.collections.buffer.SynchronizedBuffer" reference=".."/> </org.apache.commons.collections.buffer.SynchronizedBuffer> When I deserialize the queue it has a 'buffer' with size 1 (with null content), 'tail' and 'head' fields are 0 (they are declared transient). So, when I try to add a new object to the queue, the sentence: Object[] tmp = new Object[((buffer.length - 1) * 2) + 1]; Is executed in the add() method to increase the buffer length, but the buffer remains with the same size! (buffer.length = 1 --> (1 - 1) * 2 + 1 = 1). So, the object is added and when the tail is going to be incremented, it is reset to 0!! private int increment(int index) { index++; if (index >= buffer.length) { index = 0; } return index; } So it is impossible to add new elements after an empty queue has been serialized / deserialized. I have solved it just not saving empty queues but deleting the file instead, but I wanted to write to the list to know if this is a bug in the UnboundedFifoBuffer or maybe is caused by the way Xtream serializes (but I don't think so). Thanks in advance, Jose Luis.