Commons has migrated from bugzilla to JIRA (unfortunately the email
component hasn't been updated for this). The JIRA home page for email
is here:

You need to login to JIRA - and create an account if you don't have
one (if you have previously created/updated Commons issues using
Bugzilla an account will have been automatically created and you can
use the Forgot Password  page to get a new password)


On 8/3/06, Benoit Xhenseval <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi *,

I'd like to suggest adding a SIMPLE interface to commons-email to deal with 
digital signature (ability to sign a message going out).  It would be great to 
simplify this. For instance, along the line of

I tried to add this as an enh in ASF Bugzilla:
but could no longer find a Product for Commons?



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