On 1/23/07, Yoav Shapira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think that the commons-logging Maven POM
in SVN) should specify scope="provided" for its Servlet API
dependency.  That helps users by not including the Servlet API in
packaged artifacts, such as WARs, that use commons-logging.

Is there a reason why the default scope ("compile") is used instead?
The provided scope, as described at

is designed exactly for this use case.

It was an oversight.

BTW, I noticed the new optional=true parameter that's in the POM on
SVN trunk (see above URL), but not yet in the Maven repositories

Yep ... basically we're waiting for someone to have the energy to manage a
1.1.1 release ... as far as I know there are no other outstanding issues
(there was a question of whether the trunk code works in applets, but AFAIK
the answer was yes).

That's a good step, but it's not sufficient for this case and does
not provide the same functionality as add scope="provided."

Why?  The part of C-L that depends on the servlet API is indeed optional,
and we don't want to trigger transitive dependencies on, say, a rich client
app that was using C-L and would not normally have a servlet API jar lying
around.  My understanding of "provided" is that this would still make the
servlet API be required, but not "included" with
commons-logging-xxx.jar(which does not really mean anything in a
project that produces a JAR
instead of a WAR).




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