On 1/26/07, Karr, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have a Jelly script that puts the current time into a string.  It
works ok, but I'm realizing I need to convert the time to GMT before
putting it into the string.  It's straightforward to do this in Java,
but I'm having trouble figuring out how to do this in the limited Java
syntax in Jelly.

In Java, I might do something like this:

  Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();

  date gmtDate = calendar.getDate();

In Jelly, I think I can get close, but part of what I'm doing doesn't

<j:invokeStatic className="java.util.Calendar" method="getInstance"

corresponds to:
calendar = java.util.Calendar.getInstance();

<j:invokeStatic className="java.util.TimeZone" method="getAvailableIDs"
 <j:arg type="int" value="0"/>

Corresponds to:
timezones = java.util.TimeZone.getAvailableIds(0)

so far so good.

<j:forEach var="timezone" begin="0" end="0" items="${timezones}">

Not sure why you're doing this....assuming it's to get timezones[0]

<j:setProperties object="${calendar}" timeZone="${timezone}"/>

How about (untried)

<j:setProperties object="${calendar}" timeZone="${timezones[0]}"/>



I get an unhelpful "argument type mismatch" error on the "setProperties"
element.  I added "log:info" elements along the way to verify I was
getting reasonable values (like the value for "timezone" resulting from
the "forEach" loop).

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