Kostis Anagnostopoulos wrote:
        StandardFileSystemManager fsm = new StandardFileSystemManager();
        fsm.setConfiguration( YourClass.class.getResource(
"my-providers-only.xml" ) );
        String dir = System.getProperty( "user.dir" );
        fsm.setBaseFile( new File( dir ) );
        fsm.setDefaultProvider( new FallbackFileProvider() );

Thank you Philippe for your time,

I was already using the correct configuration procedure, and not:
StandardFileSystemManager fsm = (StandardFileSystemManager) VFS.getManager();

I cannot see the reason for the last 3 lines concerning the defaultProvider.

FallbackFileProvider() is a provider of my implementation that accepts any other non-recognized scheme ; this is important for my application as I often need to use URIs without necessary accessing the underlying resource ; the default behaviour of VFS is to fail

you can browse the source of RefleX if you want more details

I solved my problem, see the response to Mario Ivankovits's mail, thank you anyway.

But i really need to disable the temporary file store, since im'm running under a clustered JEE application server and it is not a good habbit to use the filesystem.

Any ideas on how t disable temporary file store?

if you talk about the scheme "tmp", just remove it from your own conf file

if you talk about /tmp, i don't know
it seems like you need a file system which is rooted in some directories of the underlying real file system, and from which you can't escape ; I thought VFS was supporting that


             (. .)
|      Philippe Poulard       |
       Have the RefleX !

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