On 4/28/07, Awais Ahamed Bajwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks Martin,
But I am not consuming request anywhere, is it a bug in the FileUpload
or what?

Are you sure the container is not consuming the stream before you get a
chance to access it? Or that you are not causing the container to consume it
by trying to access request parameters? Have you looked at the request on
the wire to make sure that it's well-formed? Have you verified that the max
size you are setting is a meaningful value, or tried taking that line out
(along with all the other lines that aren't doing anything useful)?

Martin Cooper

Martin Wrote:

Please see the first entry in the FileUpload FAQ:



* Using FileUpload in a JSP page is not recommended. You should use a
servlet instead.
* Your code is configuring diskFileItemFactory but never using it.

Martin Cooper

On 4/27/07, Awais Ahamed Bajwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have a JSP containing five ITEMs,
> Here is some code of the JSP:
> <form name="frmPR" method="post"
> id="frmPR" enctype="multipart/form-data">
> <input name="document" id="document" type="file" class="textbox"/>  I
> have five items.
> Here is my servlet code:
>                         File repositoryPath=null;
> a                               List uploadedFiles=new ArrayList();
>                                 HttpSession session =
> request.getSession(true);
>                                 StringBuffer errors=new
>                         if
> (!ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request)){
> response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NO_CONTENT);
>                                 }
>                                 ServletFileUpload servletFileUpload =
> new ServletFileUpload(new DiskFileItemFactory());
>                                 DiskFileItemFactory
> diskFileItemFactory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
> diskFileItemFactory.setSizeThreshold(40960); /* the unit is bytes */
>                                 List fileItemsList = null;
>                                 repositoryPath = new
> File(Configurations.getRootFileLocation());
> diskFileItemFactory.setRepository(repositoryPath);
> servletFileUpload.setSizeMax(Configurations.getMaximumFileSize()); /*
> the unit is bytes */
>                                 try {
>                                 fileItemsList =
> servletFileUpload.parseRequest(request);
> When I  check the above FileItemList, it returns me the size equal to
> 0
> AM I Missing something:?????
> Regards
> Awais Bajwa
> Regards
> Awais Bajwa
> Sr Software Engineer
> MERCATOR - the IT division of the Emirates Group Emirates Aviation
> College- First Floor Room 111 DUBAI -United Arab Emirates
> Tel:    +971-42-187997
> Cell:   +971-50-8930159

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