I have a large Jelly-SQL script (about 3.8 mb) that just does SQL calls
to insert rows into a database.  Each row it inserts is pretty small,
but it inserts a lot of rows (relatively).  It currently inserts about
18000 rows.  What I'm finding is that the script won't even run on
Windows (2 gig process limit).  It takes too much memory.  A previous
version of the script only inserted about 11000 rows, and it was able to
run on Windows.  The vast majority of the script is generated by a Java
app that processes a spreadsheet.

While the script is running, I watch it in Task Manager, and I see the
memory very slowly increasing.  It runs for quite a while.  It finally
runs out of memory in the JVM and fails.

Is there some strategy for building a script like this so it is more

The script currently has a top-level "j:jelly" element, imports a
utility package (some dbutils), and then imports the generated portion
of the script.

I can temporarily work around this by building multiple top-level
scripts that call separate pieces of the big script, but that's
annoying.  I'm also trying to get this set up on a Unix system, to get a
larger process size.

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