That is a good question and hope EU and a repealed safe harbour to an ICO 
equivalent will be going thru parliament approval soonest. 

Not only Whois but more is implied. Unless afrinic is waiting to see whether Eu 
and local govt will bite


> On 11 Apr 2018, at 09:42, Andrew Alston <> 
> wrote:
> Hi AfriNIC Board,
> Can this board please *urgently* inform this community as to what 
> preparations they have made as regards to compliance with the General Data 
> Protection Regulations passed by the European Commision and the board will be 
> in a position to give this community a full and complete report as to their 
> GDPR compliance status and what will be changing before the 25th of May to 
> ensure that when the GDPR comes into force AfriNIC is compliant.
> Considering that the regulation comes into force on the 25th of May 2018 – 
> and AfriNIC is 100% holding data of EU Citizens, which makes them subject to 
> the regulations irrespective of the fact that they are domiciled in Mauritius 
> – this is an urgent and critical issue.  It has direct impact on the whois 
> database, abuse contact information, handling of data submitted during 
> application process and potentially even the proposed review policy, just to 
> name a few things that I can think of off the top of my head – and cannot be 
> ignored.  I would in fact have liked to have seen discussions by the board in 
> the minutes that have been published about the GDPR long before now – 
> considering the impact – but failing that – the question is now being asked.
> Andrew
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