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> On 3 Jul 2019, at 19:35, hkari...@isoc.or.ke wrote:
> Taiwo,
> I am a first time Afrinic 30 fellow and attended the last AIS meeting in 
> Kampala and therefore by extension an Afrinic Alumni. I can confirm that we 
> were given summary and links to the policies before the meeting. We also had 
> a webinar before the meeting and materials emailed to us and onsite 
> discussions and after we join the mailing lists to continue learning and 
> contributing to policy discussions.
> Regards,
> Hellen
>> On 2019-07-02 16:25, Taiwo Oyewande wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Taking a good look at this resource, it is obviously a summary of the
>> policies to be discussed.
>> Larus fellowship tends towards promoting the youth - students
>> included-. I think this summary will be a good starting point for new
>> members who are fresh in the policy development process.
>> On this note, i will like to encourage Afrinic to emulate the
>> foundation and come up with an official summary like this before every
>> meeting to enable new and interested members get up to speed quickly.
>> Cheers.
>> Taiwo O
>>> On Tue, 2 Jul 2019 at 20:36, Andrew Alston
>>> <andrew.als...@liquidtelecom.com> wrote:
>>>> Wafa,
>>>> So – let me say this.  I see a document here – which lays out
>>>> the policies – and provides a perspective of problems, it also
>>>> lists the pros and cons.  Yes, Lazarus may have used the
>>>> foundation to lobby for its position, but – one of the things
>>>> that I have long accepted in my life is – if you believe in
>>>> something – you have to lobby for it – and to be frank – the
>>>> summary that I see in this document – is something that by and
>>>> large – should have been done long before they got around to it.
>>>> If I, as an individual, feel strongly about something, I am
>>>> entirely free to go and advocate for my position.  I am also
>>>> entirely free to sponsor people to come to a public meeting –
>>>> and I am entirely free to choose those people as I so wish, if I
>>>> choose the people who agree with me, well, that’s life – but
>>>> it certainly aint against the rules, it is the political nature of
>>>> internet policy development.  Do you think that similar does not
>>>> happen elsewhere?  People lobby for the positions that they care
>>>> about.  It happens in politics, it happens in life, and yet now we
>>>> want to cry when someone else does the same thing.
>>>> Let me also say – it’s not like this hasn’t been happening
>>>> before – and I want to quote from the OIF website: _IOF
>>>> Yet – this is an organization that for years has spent money
>>>> filling the room with people – and that statement does not say
>>>> – is of benefit to Africa – it does not say is of benefit to
>>>> the African continent – it does not say is to the benefit of the
>>>> continent – it singles out a single demographic on the continent
>>>> and says – we do what we do for their benefit.   Now, let me be
>>>> very clear, if they wish to do that – I’m actually ok with it
>>>> – though I admit I have waivered on this stance – however, we
>>>> cannot say – because it’s a government political organization
>>>> – it’s ok – but when a member chooses to have a foundation
>>>> – and sponsor people to the meetings – and then lobby for the
>>>> positions that member is passionate about – suddenly its wrong.
>>>> That is called hypocrisy.
>>>> In Point Noire, I watched people walk to the microphone – with
>>>> slips of paper and read a comment on a policy – and then go and
>>>> sit down – and the same happened in Botswana.  Except, what I
>>>> found was, when queried on the position that was taken at the
>>>> microphone, the individual reading what they had off the paper,
>>>> had patently obviously never read the policy and didn’t
>>>> understand the position they were taking themselves.  So who was
>>>> behind that?  And all of that – is on video for the world to see
>>>> – but – it was ok then – suddenly it changes now because we
>>>> don’t like the individual doing it?
>>>> Sorry – this isn’t the way it works – and let me be clear
>>>> – Lu Heng is not a friend of mine, and in fact in Mauritius I
>>>> had some pretty strong things to say to him to his face, in front
>>>> of others who will testify to what I said to him – however – I
>>>> respect his rights as a member to participate in what is
>>>> essentially a democratic process, that means – I respect his
>>>> right to lobby for his views, I respect his right to put boots on
>>>> the ground, and I respect his right to have his say.  In the same
>>>> way – I respect the right of any member to do that – and I
>>>> respect the right of the members to then rebut what is said if
>>>> they do not agree with it.    It is through this lobbying position
>>>> and through the back and forth that accompanies it, that great
>>>> policy is born – it is not through acquiescence, nor is it
>>>> through the silencing of the rights of others.
>>>> My view – if anyone wants to come into the room and have their
>>>> say – so be it – that is bottom up.  If people want to lobby
>>>> their positions – so be it – that is bottom up.  If people
>>>> want to spend money running tv adverts about their positions for
>>>> all I care – so be it – that is the nature of the democratic
>>>> position.  If people want to bus a thousand people who share their
>>>> views – again – so be it – that is the democratic process.
>>>> However, it is the community who then need to rebut – but –
>>>> the rebuttal should be on the policy itself.  What I see here
>>>> however, is a rebuttal of policy and a lobbying position taken on
>>>> the *CONTENT* of the policy – unlike what I have seen time and
>>>> again in the meetings where the lobbying position has NOTHING to
>>>> do with the content or the policy.
>>>> So rather than malign Lazarus for their actions here – quite
>>>> frankly, reading this document, and as much as as I have said, Lu
>>>> and I have some serious differences, I applaud Lazarus for the
>>>> comprehensive work – and I applaud them for taking a stance that
>>>> was based on the policy and I embrace their right to lobby for
>>>> their position in any way shape or form.  That is not to say I
>>>> agree with the positions taken in this document – I will reserve
>>>> my policy comments for the policies and based on my own
>>>> interpretation of such – but – I embrace the fact that at
>>>> least, it was done based on what was written, and not on personal
>>>> relationships, personal attacks, demographics, or anything else.
>>>> So – to Lazarus – thank you for a job well done in the fact
>>>> that you lobbied your position based on the policies – and left
>>>> the other garbage behind, which is what we so often see.
>>>> Finally – again – I respect the right to do what they did –
>>>> and
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Andrew
>>>> FROM: wafa DAHMANI <w...@ati.tn>
>>>> SENT: Tuesday, 2 July 2019 12:30
>>>> TO: community-discuss@afrinic.net
>>>> CC: r...@afrinic.net
>>>> SUBJECT: [Community-Discuss] Larus foundation fellowship
>>>> Hi
>>>> It fell under public domain, that those who benefited from Larus
>>>> foundation fellowship to attend the last afrinic meeting in
>>>> Kampala, were given a  confidential  Education package on AFRINIC
>>>> Number Resources Policy proposals detailed in the following link:
>>>> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kf7K8JdL-zl5NYjlboltmoXeq2mAJvNg
>>>> The document lists the proposals to be discussed, Larus Foundation
>>>> views of Pros and Cons on each of them, selective PDWG
>>>> participants interventions on the proposals.
>>>> The education package so proposed intends to condition these
>>>> participants views on the proposals  and their contributions at
>>>> the PPM and after....
>>>> I like to remind us that the PDP is open for any individual
>>>> willing to participate. Views expressed are personal. No need to
>>>> know who is behind each source email address... only opinions
>>>> expressed in the context of the PDP matter. The substance of
>>>> contribution really matter. Diversity of views are encouraged.
>>>> Lack of disagreement is more important  than of agreement.  Also
>>>> PDP is not a matter of volume, repetition or persistence.
>>>> RFC 7282 section 6 and 7 are clear  on these aspects of  the rough
>>>> consensus  process.
>>>> Section 6
>>>> One hundred people for and five people against might not be rough
>>>> consensus.
>>>> Section 7
>>>> Five people for and one hundred people against might still be
>>>> rough consensus
>>>> My African fellows,
>>>> Your desire to participate to AFRINIC policy development Process
>>>> is legitimate and must be encouraged. I hope the last meeting  was
>>>> useful to you and allow you to identify the issues, understand
>>>> what is going on and what Africa needs...  I hope you’ve made
>>>> your minds and  now able to speak on your personal  capacity..
>>>> The real education package  is as below:
>>>> =====
>>>> Proposal to establish AFRINIC
>> http://web01.jnb.afrinic.net/en/library/policies/archive/ppm-minutes/862-kuala-lumpur-1997
>>>> IANA report  on AFRINIC (Accreditation)
>>>> https://www.iana.org/reports/2005/afrinic-report-05aug2005.pdf
>>>> AFRINIC constitution
>>>> https://www.afrinic.net/bylaws
>>>> Registration Service  Agreement
>>>> https://www.afrinic.net/membership/agreements#rsa
>>>> AFRINIC policy manual
>>>> https://afrinic.net/policy/manual
>>>> AFRINIC policies before the adoption of the CPM
>>>> https://www.afrinic.net/cpm-pre
>>>> https://www.afrinic.net/policy
>>>> Rough Consensus
>>>> https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7282
>>>> AFRINIC current policy proposals
>>>> https://www.afrinic.net/policy/proposals
>>>> RiRs PDPs
>>>> https://www.nro.net/policy/regional/
>>>> RIR comparative  policy overview
>>> https://www.nro.net/policy/regional/rir-comparative-policy-overview/
>>>> ==============
>>>> Please read and process them, ask questions and find your way.
>>>> Come build African Internet by Africans.
>>>> As for Larus Foundation, your relationship to cloud innovation,
>>>> afrinic member with suspicious activities, holding 6 millions of
>>>> IPv4 is long established and discussed many times on this list. I
>>>> hope the fellows would find these discussions in the archives.
>>>> I call the attention of the board on the  repetitive attempts of
>>>> this resource member to hijack the PDP for its sordid
>>>> intentions...  the provisions of the bylaws and RSA must
>>>> carefully be applied to recall members to acceptable code of
>>>> conduct.
>>>> The African Internet community as well as the global Internet
>>>> community must pay close attention and protect the RIRs Policy
>>>> development process and operations.
>>>> -Wafa _______________________________________________
>>>> Community-Discuss mailing list
>>>> Community-Discuss@afrinic.net
>>>> https://lists.afrinic.net/mailman/listinfo/community-discuss
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