Great to see Afrinic finally taking action to curb this behavior. 

Ali Hussein
Digital Transformation 

+254 0713 601113 

Twitter: @AliHKassim
Skype: abu-jomo

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a 
habit."  ~ Aristotle

Sent from my iPad

> On 30 Oct 2020, at 2:33 PM, AFRINIC Communication <> wrote:
> Dear Mr Cohen,
> AFRINIC in its role to enforce the code of conduct on the community mailing 
> list is issuing you your first written warning for the offensive behavior 
> displayed against another member of the community list, namely Mr. Ronlad F. 
> Guilmette on the thread titled “Notice to all the legacy netblocks holders in 
> AfriNIC” 
> You went on to continue with such behaviour after the AFRINIC communications 
> team reminded the list of the code of conduct by sending out the following 
> email 
> In light of above, your behaviour has been deemed as offensive, 
> discriminatory, and intimidating as it included personal attacks.This is in 
> direct violation with Sections II and III of AFRINIC’s Code of Conduct. 
> You are hereby reminded to abide by the AFRINIC Code of Conduct  when 
> interacting with the AFRINIC community at all times.
> For more information please refer to the following blog. 
> Please refrain from acting inappropriately on AFRINIC mailing lists again.
> AFRINIC Communications Team
> …………………………………………………………
> Cher Monsieur Cohen,
> AFRINIC dans le cadre de son action pour faire respecter le code de conduite 
> sur la liste de diffusion communautaire vous adresse un premier avertissement 
> écrit pour le comportement offensant  à l'encontre d'un autre membre de la 
> liste communautaire, à savoir M. Ronlad F. Guilmette sur le fil intitulé 
> "Notice to all the legacy netblocks holders in AfriNIC". 
> Vous avez continué avec ce comportement même après que l'équipe de 
> communication AFRINIC ait fait un rappel sur le code de conduite en envoyant 
> le courriel suivant: 
> À la lumière de ce qui précède, votre comportement a été perçu comme étant  
> offensant, discriminatoire et intimidant car il inclut des attaques 
> personnelles. Ceci est en violation directe avec les sections II et III du 
> code de conduite de l'AFRINIC :
> Il vous est rappelé de respecter le code de conduite AFRINIC  lorsque vous 
> interagissez avec la communauté AFRINIC à tout moment. 
> Pour plus d'informations, veuillez vous référer au blog suivant. 
> Veuillez vous abstenir d'agir à nouveau de manière inappropriée sur les 
> listes de diffusion AFRINIC.
> L’Equipe de Communications d’AFRINIC
>> On 27 Oct 2020, at 17:57, Elad Cohen <> wrote:
>> "I have other things to attend to." - like cleaning pores?
>> From: Ronald F. Guilmette <>
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2020 3:03 PM
>> To: <>
>> Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] Notice to all the legacy netblocks holders 
>> in AfriNIC
>> In message <>, 
>> AFRINIC Communication <> wrote:
>> >The Regional Internet Registry (RIR) system is a successful model of
>> >industry self-regulation...
>> I would be happy to debate the truth or falsehood of that proposition
>> with you at some appropriate moment.  (Not just now.  I have other
>> things to attend to.)
>> It is likely true that the RIR system has served, like the Pax Americana
>> of the late 20th century and the Pax Romana before it, to prevent all-out
>> violent confrontations between otherwise opposing factions.  But this
>> is not the only possible definition of the word "successful", and there
>> have been glaring and evident problems... in the AFRINIC region, in the
>> ARIN region, in the RIPE region, and elsewhere.  To simply and unilaterally
>> declare that "This model of governance is good.  End of discusssion." is
>> not entirely persuasive in the present context.
>> And although the industry may view this model as having been fantastically
>> successful at keeping various governments largely or entirely at bay and
>> largely or entirely out of the Internet regulation business (which even
>> I would agree is a profoundly Good Thing) the industry, such as it is,
>> is going to have to come to terms someday with that fact that secrecy
>> and the shrouding of every detail underneath a gigantic blanket of
>> NDAs neither promotes good governance nor is compatible with the ever
>> increasing dependency of society as a whole on this utility we call the
>> Internet, a utility whose underlying business arrangement have, by design,
>> been keep almost entirely opaque to the outside world.
>> The present pandemic has only increased the dependency of society on the
>> Internet, and thus it has also increased the need for more transparency
>> into these private business arragements, in the public interest.
>> Regards,
>> rfg
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