Not at all - I quote:

In the event that such a policy submitted by the Board is not endorsed, the 
said policy shall not be enforced or implemented following its non-endorsement;
however, any action taken in terms of the policy prior to such non-endorsement 
shall remain valid.

This clearly states that action can happen before the endorsement and remains 
valid - and it says shall. It be enforced or implemented *following its 
non-endorsement* - it is silent about pre-endorsement and then by implication 
states that there can be action pre pdp decision


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From: Noah <>
Sent: Monday, August 2, 2021 00:26
To: Andrew Alston
Cc: Owen DeLong; Community Discuss; Members Discuss
Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] Call for AFRINIC’s registry service migration 
to other RIRs

On Mon, 2 Aug 2021, 00:06 Andrew Alston, 
<<>> wrote:
This is incorrect and in line actually with what I said -


  1.  Any policy adopted by the Board under the provisions of Article11.4 shall 
be submitted to the community for endorsement at the next public policy meeting.

They adopt and submit to the PDWG.

  1.  In the event that such a policy submitted by the Board is not endorsed, 
the said policy shall not be enforced or implemented following its 
non-endorsement; however, any action taken in terms of the policy prior to such 
non-endorsement shall remain valid.

AFRINIC Staff will only enforce or implement the adopted policy if and only if  
"we the people" aka the powerful PDWG, endorse the said policy.

So dude, the wordings are carefully written.

1. Board adopts,  PDWG endorse and finally Staff enforce/implements.


2. Board adopts, PDWG does not endorse, AFRINIC staff CAN NOT enforce/implement.

Makes sense Andrew?

The board can pass a policy - valid till the next policy meeting - and if the 
community doesn’t like it they can reverse it - in the mean time those who feel 
the threat is to great can move in the intervening period.

Lol there is no **mean time dude**

AFRINIC staff won't enforce or implement if "we the people" don't endorse.

The board can - and does - have the power to implement policy valid till the 
next of wg

The board does not have the power unless "we the people" endorse.

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