On Mon, Aug 2, 2021 at 6:52 AM Ronald F. Guilmette <r...@tristatelogic.com>

> In message <CAH=qv+DeF0ZWUwkNA+5EnzsbDXDKsFMP-ub=
> 1yay4up7tpj...@mail.gmail.com>
> Lamiaa Chnayti <lamiaachna...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >Attention Noah: I take note of your constant obsession with Larus...
> Please take note of mine also.
> Larus *is* Cloud Innovation and vise versa.  To deny that is to deny simple
> reality.  (Please google for the Japanese word "keiretsu".)

I took the liberty to ask Google. And ..... "A keiretsu is a set of
companies with interlocking business relationships and shareholdings. ""

This is exactly what Cloud Innovation + LARUS Limited + LARUS Foundation +

I take note that the LARUS Foundation is heavily involved with the AFRINIC
PDP for those who may not be aware.


> Like Noah and a lot of other people, I also am "obsessed" with the entire
> Cloud Innovation / Larus keiretsu at the moment.  Why should we not be?
> The organization is threatening to bankrupt AFRINIC with a $1.8 billion
> dollar lawsuit...

That lawsuit is basically computed as follows.  Lu got allocated over 6
million IPv4 addresses.
Since he believes IPv4 is Gold worth 30USD each. You basically take the
USD30 x 6,000,000 = *180,000,000 *

> a lawsuit that I have already demonstrated here has no
> merit.

And is orchestrated to frustrate AFRINIC.

> The entire umbrella organization and ownership structure is therefore
> a proper, reasonable, and ongoing focus of concern for every participant
> on this mailing list.

And the focus of the AFRICAN Internet community so to speak.

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