
While I agree wholeheartedly that in the course of litigation answers may be 
hard to come by – the clause I refer to in the companies act has little to do 
with the litigation when it stands in isolation – it raises a question about if 
the company cannot pay its debtors – in any circumstance – irrespective of 

Now, further to this – yes a company may be able to say little during 
litigation – but – when an entity goes to the community and its members – 
asking for money to fund itself through a hard time, any prudent person who is 
going to donate money – is going to want to know certain basic things

  1.  How will the money they are diverting from other projects be spent
  2.  Are the individuals in control of the entity requesting money behaving in 
a way that is both within the bounds of the law and doing everything reasonable 
to ensure that the amount of money being requested is kept to a minimum – I.E – 
that they aren’t taking actions that would increase the burden on members any 
more than it already is
  3.  Is the board complying with their fiduciary duties in all of their 

If the answers are not clear – an entity may well decide not to donate a single 
cent – because to do so could well be akin to enabling bad behavior.  So while 
these questions may seem irrelevant normally – in the context of being asked 
for money over and above the fees members pay every year – they are very 
pertinent in my view.  And if the company should indeed be under the control of 
an administrator – that is something we need to know before we start donating 


From: John Curran <>
Date: Wednesday, 18 August 2021 at 16:09
To: Andrew Alston <>
Cc: General Discussions of AFRINIC <>
Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] FUNDRAISING & DONATIONS - TO KEEP AFRINIC 
On 18 Aug 2021, at 8:05 AM, Andrew Alston 
<<>> wrote:


I query where queries may actually get answered – and since previous emails to 
the members list have gone unanswered – here is as good a place as any. ...
We are a community – this is a bottom up organization – and the community has 
the right to ask questions – however hard those questions may be to answer and 
however much answering those questions may be distasteful to the people who 
have to answer.

As a concerned community member, you could have simply asked – “Do we have to 
recognize a contingent liability given the litigation, and are there any 
Section 162 implications to be considered?”   You chose a rather different 
approach of posting legal speculation in the name of "seeking a legal position” 
and hence I replied.  If you want something more definitive, then seeking 
actual legal counsel would likely help clarify far more than speculation here.

The community has every right to know that the organization is being properly 
operated, but it also true that the community vests the routine oversight in 
the elected governance body – as they are both accountable for such oversight 
and have access to legal counsel to inform their course of action.  This 
becomes even more important when in litigation, as organizations need to take 
great care with their communication – even to their members –  to balance the 
need for openness with the obligation to sustain a prudent legal defense.   You 
may not get answers to all your questions in the midst of litigation, but 
that’s an indication of a governing body being true to its job rather than any 
indication to the contrary.

As someone who has had to manage such a difficult balance when defending ARIN 
in litigation, I know firsthand it can be quite challenging to maintain open 
communication with community at the same time. I’d encourage you to continue to 
raise questions that you might have as concerned community member (if indeed 
out of bona fide concern for AFRINIC), but you also should recognize that 
circumspect communications is quite normal when it comes to litigation matters, 
so you might not get the answers you seek – particularly to legal speculation.

Best wishes,

John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers

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