pls save this answer for later, just remember what you said here and i will
prove you wrong regardless the companies you mentioned as i have no
affiliation with them i dont comment on them.

On Wed, Jun 15, 2022 at 6:33 PM Owen DeLong <> wrote:

> On Jun 15, 2022, at 09:29 , Amin Dayekh <> wrote:
> Owen,
> One question which a yes or no question:
> Is it allowed by afrinic with the provisions of bylaws written in Good
> faith relying on the integrity of Members, is it Allowed to Sell IPV4 ?
> The bylaws are mute on this subject… It is a policy matter. Current policy
> only allows them to be sold to another AFRINIC member.
> However, I’m not sure how this is relevant to the discussion at hand.
> LARUS and Cloud Innovation have not sold any AFRINIC number resources.
> Instead, like all LIRs, they lease them to their clients.
> Owen
> On Wed, Jun 15, 2022 at 5:22 PM Amin Dayekh <> wrote:
>> Owen,
>> Don’t rush, all in good time.
>> Yes Misleading the public on claims and claims and claims with no single
>> piece of evidence!
>> AfriNic acted according to the Bylaw and court, allow me here to refresh
>> your memory, if the ipv4 is not restricted to ise in Africa then why the
>> proposals for inter RIR transfer and Other proposals from the Meeting which
>> are available online? If that is allowed then AfriNic shouod have lost all
>> cases. What is happening in Mauritius is an abuse of the Judicial System.
>> Anyone can convince himself with any lie and convince the minions
>> involved in this issue who have been (mislead) and unfortunately (paid to
>> spread lie)
>> When someone accuses an organization of corruption, he should provide
>> evidence, not just a video, especially if he/she/it and under the table
>> corrupting the members to buy Votes.
>> If you think the misquotes you sent before are convincing, maybe to your
>> good self, but not to me and i did not reply as I usualy say what i want
>> and walk, reason being I have no time to waste on endless discussions as
>> the 2nd party is very sure is justifying a wrong cause.
>> By the way, I did not mention anyone in my email except PTA so which
>> company you are talking about?!
>> On Wed, Jun 15, 2022 at 5:11 PM Owen DeLong <> wrote:
>>> On Jun 14, 2022, at 14:32 , Amin Dayekh <> wrote:
>>> Dear members,
>>> my attention was drawn to another misleading video of known sources who
>>> are taking maliciously all steps against the Members of AfriNIC and AfriNIC.
>>> in the Video I noticed a misleading statement about the "Government of
>>> Pakistan" but when i paused and looked at the document it is the Pakistan
>>> tELECOM authority and not the government itself.
>>> I am writing this post following an email sent to the Pakistan
>>> telecommunication Authority aka PTA, through their website to:
>>> a- ask, have you really drafted and sent that letter?
>>> b- inquire, on what basis have you sent that letter? have you at least
>>> c- raise a solid query with regards to their breach of our sovereignty
>>> as an African continent, Regions, Countries, and Nations through the
>>> alleged Letter sent to the government of Mauritius in support of a
>>> fraudulent misleading organization requiring some details on how Africa's
>>> IPV4 addresses ended and are in USE in Pakistan, which, as per the last
>>> time I checked, is not an African country.
>>> Misleading? As in the misleading claim that AFRINIC issued addresses are
>>> somehow restricted to use in Africa when nothing in the bylaws, RSA, or CPM
>>> says so?
>>> You continue to repeat this claim despite repeated clarifications and
>>> corrections on the fallacious nature of the claim. Clearly, you are the one
>>> engaged in a campaign of disinformation.
>>> Owen
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