indeed.  i have a more-than-sneaking suspicion that an awful lot
of [EMAIL PROTECTED] addresses don't reach their owners.  i think
that's something that should be fixed, since it means they're
not being notified of things sent to committers@, which by
definition concern them..

so by all means the various lists should be notified of this
list's existence.. and all committers who want to subscribe
requested to use their address. not only will
that make it easier for the moderators to decide whether to
approve subscriptions, but it should also help validate the addresses.

This is a symptom of having certain constituency that fails the basic UNIX literacy test. So ssh'ing to a UNIX box and creating a .forward file is difficult.

1. web based tool that does this - I can offer advice on how to pull this off reasonably securely but cannot contribute code to this effort due to lack of time.
2. new box for 'doze heads called that runs WIN XP or something that they can log into and do for themselves

I suggest #1...  others have any ideas?

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