"Andrew C. Oliver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> Please state your view 

Excerpts from Stephano Mazzocchi's announcement:


This mail list will be closed to committers only, the citizens of the 
Apache Software Foundation, and will serve as the place to talk about 
the future of the foundation.


If you wished there was more synergy between the various ASF 
communities, show us how you'd make it happening.

On community@apache.org is where discussions about new projects 
creations (like Apache Commons, Apache Incubator, Apache Graveyard) will 
take place.

community@apache.org will be where the 'architecture', the 'development' 
of the foundation itself is done.


So, we give you the opportunity to participate in the making of the 
future of the foundation, but no complaints will be accepted if what
comes up doesn't fit your needs or doesn't make you happy and you didn't
participate in its process.


I don't see how any of the above is better accomplished 
by opening up this list.

> and vote your conscience.

I would have preferred to see discussion of a PROPOSAL to subvert 
Stephano's announcement, but maybe I missed that discussion.

> View 1: Open the list completely, anyone can subscribe, post and read 
> the archive


> View 2:  Keep the list open only to committers, members and invitees 
> (highly contributive developers and users) so far as posting goes, 
> however allow anyone to read or view the archive (and include an archive 
> such as MARC, etc.


>View 3: Close the list to all except members and committers.


Joe Schaefer

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