Henri Yandell wrote:
> So what's the hackathon? [Beyond the obvious of people doing some kind of
> coding in a big session]. Does it have a focus, or completely open play
> etc?

ben laurie should answer this one, but i think he's semi-offline
the hackathon is two days of committers and invited contributors
getting face-time to network and hack on whatever they want, in
a single room with network access.  (in london there were forty of
us and the network access was a single 56kbd dialup line, which
was amazing.)

> Another question to the community, will ApacheCon contain more in the way
> of Java project talks in the future? I'd always ignored ApacheCon
> information as in years passed Apache meant httpd to me. Looking at the
> upcoming one, there seem to be only two talks which would appeal to
> Jakarta as a community and both are quite vague and Tomcat focused.

we can only choose from the proposals we receive.  if no-one submits
any java project talks, there won't be any at apachecon.  at the moment
i don't think there is anyone from jakarta on the planning committee (which
i think should be populated with people with as broad a participation in
the asf as possible), so we have to consult people or wing it.  but mostly
it's the number of submissions received.
#ken    P-)}

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Golux.Com/coar/
Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/

"Millennium hand and shrimp!"

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