VOTE 1: would you like to make it possible for non-committers to read this mail list thru a web archive?

  [X] +1 yes, let's make it readable
  [ ]  0 don't know/don't care
  [ ] -1 no, let's keep it private

VOTE 2:  would you like to make it possible for non-committers to
fully subscribe to this mail list?

  [ ] +1 yes, let's open it to everyone
  [ ]  0 don't know/don't care
  [X] -1 no, let's keep it for committers only

At 15:43 30.10.2002 -0500, you wrote:
I had the same thought and was about to vote the way you did. Then I
reconsidered because I believe (perhaps incorrectly) that we will NOT get a lot
of subscribers that are not community members. The few non-community folks we
get will hopefully be net contributors to the discussions. We can always clamp
down if it becomes necessary. Wishful thinking perhaps but there you go.

Nice but optimistic. If things go sour, you won't be able to change the rules in mid-air. You are likely to lack the wherewithal, the will or both. Moreover, you can't count on *everyone* to be decent and civilized although the vast majority will be.


-- Ceki

TCP implementations will follow a general principle of robustness: be
conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from
others. -- Jon Postel, RFC 793

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