So do it. I put the link up for POI on this page: but I was afraid of retribution if I put it up for others.


Costin Manolache wrote:

On a related issue - I think it would be very nice to include a link to
gmane news gateway. There are quite a few people using it ( I'm no
longer directly subscribed to any list ), and I think it should be at least mentioned.

I don't know if a news server taking the feed for US distribution or our
list mirrors is possible - I can help setting it up if there is enough
interest (and resources).


( and if you know someone at google who can get the feed into their
news archives - we would solve the search issue very well :-)

On Mon, 2002-11-04 at 12:01, Chuck Murcko wrote:

I've noticed in looking around the Apache sites that there's a lot of inconsistency in providing links (usually in the sidebars) where people can get on the mailing lists. Some projects, like Foundation, HTTP Server, Cocoon and Forrest, provide wide gateways for participation. Big, friendly, colorful, clearly marked links. Many have "Getting Involved" sidebars that link to lists of things, and the mailing lists are in there. Some befuddled me in attempts to find any mailing lists at all without going to the project's main page. "Home" != "Get Involved" to me.

I speculate that one factor in the breadth and quality of development community is the number of clicks it takes to find the -dev list, the general navigation semantics of the site, and the amount of camouflage those links have, whether on purpose (in the case of Jakarta it sure seems that I am being forced to read the guidelines and then be clever enough to notice the link - no bypassing Mom on this page!) or not.

Is this just driven by the number of config questions and "suscribe" (and other) trolls to the dev lists? Or the rising percentage of doofuses in the net world? I knew we should never have let AOL hook up that gateway to the net. 8^)

I ask because I'm laying out a Jakarta project site, and I'm used to the -dev list guidelines being something short and sweet, like "lurk a bit before jumping in, and search the archives to see if your question (if that's the only reason you're here) has been answered".

Or maybe I should just point users to, and say "Read before posting; if you don't, YMMV widely". I presume all here have read that.

Just MHO on a community issue.


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