"David Reid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > 1. The list is, at minimum, terribly misnamed.
> >
> > Yes.  It has been a misnomer from the start.
> And that was debated at great (and extremely painful) length on the reorg@
> list before the new list was setup.

In fact, the biggest proponent for naming it community has
unsubscribed himself from this list.
> Remember the community@ list was supposed to be a cure for many of the ills
> that people saw in the ASF and it's organisation...

And so far (over 1200 message later) it's been nothing but a venue for
complaining and vote-taking on issues that are only slightly related
to writing software.

And once a vote is taken, the minority complains incessantly about not
getting their way.  Coming from APR and Subversion, I'm just not used
to this way of doing things, so I'd imagine I'm oversensitive.



PS Yes, yes, I know that I can unsubscribe.

Brian W. Fitzpatrick    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   http://www.red-bean.com/fitz/

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