> What I mean here is -not- the ASF cultural thing of having things
> validated by your peers; but the oversight of the type that the
> ASF as a US incorperated is supposed to maintain.

> specificaly of the type which gets us in real-live(tm) trouble;
> warez, child-porn, list of license keys, etc.

>       -> is a PMC or similar body who duly provides oversight
>          to any abuse.

This is a weaker oversight requirement than ensuring that information is
accurate, or that more subtle content concerns are managed.  If setup
properly, scanning diffs to see that there aren't warez, porn, license keys,
etc., shouldn't take very long.  We're talking about < 30 changed pages per
day on average.

To do the above does not require any structural changes.  It simply requires
that some group be established that watches wiki changes for violations of
the above content rules.  That group, for now, could be a sub-group under
the auspices of the infrastructure PMC.

Is that level of oversight sufficient, or do we need for each page to be
under the oversight of a project PMC related to that content?  The later
introduces a whole different set of issues.

        --- Noel

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