It was pointed out to me in a private email that one thing we don't do very
well is advertise the existence of things like this list to new committers!
We should change this at once :)

I'm not in favour of proposals being posted to this list, so please don't
vote on this!
- If you have nothing to say except +1 then say nothing!
- If you object then state your reasons...
- If you wish to add something useful then post!
Voting is for projects - not communities! (or xmas!)

Basically I'm planning on proposing to the infrastructure list that we have
an email that is automatically sent to new committers outlining the "extra"
things that becoming a committer on an ASF project bring with them. The aim
is to provide a sort of "Welcome to the ASF community" note.

I think it could/should contain things like
- forwarding instructions for the email address
- contacts for common problems
- information about the committers list and the reason for it
- information on opt-in lists such as licensing, community
If there are other things (and I'm sure there are) that people would have
found useful or think should be included please post with details.

NB this isn't a replacement to the "Welcome to
[jakarta/httpd/avalon/whatever project]" email but rather an additional
email that acts as a welcome to the greater community that is the ASF.

I'm starting this thread to ensure that it's not something that is going to
cause confusion as once in place it should really be alluded to in every
projects individual welcome email (to avoid confusion).

The exact contents of the email can be worked out once we have agreement
from infrastructure that we can do this (they need to agree as they setup
and manage the accounts and it'll something else for them to do), and I
think this list is a perfect place to hash the wordy stuff out...


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