> Agreed to a point. We don't have the tools that readily available

What tools are you lacking?  You check out the module, you edit the
contents, you submit patches via e-mail.  If you want collaborative editing,
you use the Wiki to construct the content before [HTML|XML]-izing it.

> > The information exists.  The real problem is that different
> > projects have been providing different bits and pieces of it,
> > if at all:

> >  http://nagoya.apache.org/wiki/apachewiki.cgi?SigningReleases
> >  http://www.apache.org.dev
> >  http://cvs.apache.org/~bodewig/mirror.html
> >  http://jakarta.apache.org/site/guidelines.html
> >  http://xml.apache.org/guidelines.html
> >  http://httpd.apache.org/dev/

> What a mess..

Well, yes.  :-)

This particular subject of educating new Committers has come up multiple
times over the past months.  I don't see it covering any new ground so far.
Someone just needs to actually DO something about the collection and
collation process, and submit patches to infrastructure for the site module
(you have karma, yourself), as well as resolve any issues with the other
project's related to centralized content.  Have you seen Leo Simons' work,

> IMHO we need to do a bit more than that! Really if that's all you think is
> needed then our opinions differ by a larger margin that I thought they

Pulling together all of the Committer information that already exists
*somewhere* on the ASF sites would be a major start.  And once that is all
finished, it will be easier to see more of what is missing.  So far very
little is written in the way of a step-by-step guide.  The release signing
instructions, for example, could use an actual example, perhaps some shell
scripts.  I might provide those, since I had to do them for myself.  But it
also sounds as if you have a broader agenda in mind.

        --- Noel

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