On Tue, 25 Feb 2003, Leo Simons wrote:

> files in /dist/java-repository besides perhaps HEADER.html and 
> README.htmls...

Few simple questions:

Should we use 2 different dirs for src and binary distribution ? Or maybe 
3 dirs ( src, bin, doc ) ? 

Are "milestone" builds acceptable ? Should we get some weekly gump builds 
from HEAD into the repository ? 

What policy should we use for removing older versions ( or we just keep 
everything ) ? 

Since the versioned jar/unversioned dir format is used - I think various 
PMCs should try to get the various projects to use the same format internally. 
I would prefer the reverse ( versioned dirs / unversioned jars ) - but I 
can live with the reverse if it does have a "majority" support. 
Could we put at least this option to a vote, just to have a record that it
isn't just a random decision but what the committers really want ?
This is my biggest issue with the repository conventions.


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