okey, this ticked my bogometer.

Jason van Zyl wrote:
> My comments cannot be misinterpreted.

an interesting position. :-)

> My observations relate strictly to the behaviour of the board
> in their relationship with Sam.

indeed: your observations.  subjective opinion, in other words,
not the one true reality.

> I'm definitely trying to draw out into the open how things work.

so far you're not doing a very good job, because you seem to
be hitting very wide of the mark.  to put it rather more
bluntly, jason, don't try to tell *me* how i'm affected by
something; it's not your place, nor are you competent to do
so.  (no-one is except myself.)  saying that it 'appears to you'
that something is affecting me a certain way, however, is
perfectly acceptable.  please sprinkle a few more 'imho's
through your posts, because otherwise the wording doesn't
seem to even imply them.

as for the board taking sam as the sole source of input about
things regarding jakarta: i'm sure a little reflection on
your part will reveal that as hyperbole.  if it were true,
none of the other board members would be subscribed to and
participating on all the jakarta mailing lists that we are.
#ken    P-)}

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Golux.Com/coar/
Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/

"Millennium hand and shrimp!"

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