Santiago Gala wrote:
> Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:
> (...)
> > 
> > 
> > Darn - I was quite happy as I got it to work after endless fiddling on IE,
> > Mozzila and Safari on MacOSX and a PC. So I guess it needs more fine
> > tuning. Which is well out of my expertize range. Any takers ?
> > is the culprit.
> > 
> Wait, there is a bug somewhere. The *first* zoom on Crosley fails, but 
> the next ones work (or seems to work), with Mozilla 1.1

Thanks. Yes i see now that the first one or two zooms fail
for various places in the world (have offset layers) but
subsequent zooms are okay (aligned layers). I cannot see
a pattern to the bug yet, but it seems that western
North America and Eastern Australia get the problem.


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