Just for reference - I'm somewhat surprised at the flack handed out to Jason. He and the other Maven committers are doing an out-and-out brilliant job of bringing together the next generation. My feeling is that these guys are being squeezed unnecessarily - but don't ask me why because I don't know. They have built a active and dynamic community, they are about to change the way a lot of us doing things, and in my opinion - they deserve our out-and-out support (across board, comunity, and project levels).

Cheers, Steve.

Noel J. Bergman wrote:


The reason for this challenge is simple: to
demonstrate the the antipathy towards other
ASF efforts is damaging not only to the ASF,
but to Maven itself.

'antipathy' == 'A strong feeling of aversion or repugnance'.

However you want to label it, Jason's harshly phrased statements yesterday regarding collaboration with other ASF projects (and people) expressed an attitude that some people, including myself, obviously didn't view positively. In fairness, my reaction is influenced as much by my views on software development as by his words. Nor did I miss his somewhat contrite reply to Ken Coar. I would hope that his comments are not representative of Maven. I would prefer to believe that his comments are not even representative of himself.

You know me well enough to know that I view collaboration as the efficient
reuse of expertise, creativity and resources towards the synergistic
development of the best result.  No matter how right I think I am, I could
be wrong about something; no matter how wrong I think someone else is, there
could be the seed of a really good idea there if I am willing to give it
further exploration after shrugging off the first reaction to dismiss it.
Usually there is an amalgam that is better than the original "pure" ideas.

A development tool exists for the purpose of servicing other projects.  I
viewed Sam's comments as expressing the concern that if personalities were
to get in the way of collaborating to produce something that better serves
other projects, then that would be damaging.  With Ant, the ASF set the
standard (for better or worse) for Java build tools.  With Maven, that is
extended, enhanced, embedded to handle web-based project management.  You
said that there is a great deal of synergy between Ant and Maven.  It is
natural to feel that these are related projects, and that collaboration
would not only be beneficial, but highly desired by all parties.  The
antagonistic response, with neither provocation nor justification, was
disconcerting to say the least.  It is unsurprising then to have concerns
regarding a productive relationship with an entity exhibiting that attitude.
Your reply that the workload of one PMC having to oversee both projects
being too high to do properly came across as completely differently in

        --- Noel

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Stephen J. McConnell

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