> Wouldn't a reasonable approach to this problem be to make searches for
> "commons-foo.jar" return the latest released version, while searches for
> "commons-foo-x.y.jar" would return that particular version?  Then, you can
> have it either way.  On the former, one might also support a mode that
> grabs the latest nightly instead of the latest reslease.

This sounds reasonable, and it's pretty much what the apache download mirroring 
does, using a symlink called "project-foo-current.format" to the latest 
release, and still maintaining numbered versions for those that care. 
Extending this concept to nightlies (nightlys?) could be achieved by using 

I'm assuming, without reading all the mail on this topic, that this idea is 
bound to fit with any structure or naming scheme anyone might wish to propose.


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