Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
on 4/5/03 4:22 PM Glen Stampoultzis wrote:

At 11:15 PM 5/04/2003, you wrote:

Recently, I've started to dive into mozilla with a developer eye. *very
slowly* since my c++ skills are almost non-existant (and my c skills
are, hmmmm, rusted and ruined by the java garbage collector :-)

Anyway, the cultural differences between their style of development and
ours are striking.

Have you talked to them about this.

No, and this is exactly the point: I don't know who to send it to! post
it on their 'general mail list' seems a bit ackward. Posting it to their
'board-equivalent' too much high.

they don't have or [EMAIL PROTECTED] ! they just
have newsgroups for users and everything that happens behind the scenes.

Sure this might well appear the same about the ASF from the outside, but
I found myself with no reference.

Any suggestion?

I got very bad feelings when I tried to report a bug some time ago. People like myself and Jamie Zaminsky were arguing about inconsistency of User Interface, and they claimed that the design decision was taken after some "usability studies" done by Netscape/AOL and never published. They were making the User Interface as crappy as the MSIE one, which we, as Netscape users from version 2, couldn't like at all. This is the discussion:

The message is that their decision process seems to be rather opaque.
They were blaming the decission was taken by the module "owner", but the
specifications for the user interface were against the change, and they
just pointed to invisible usability studies to justify it. No hope to
raise a vote.

They are, though, taking some measures along the lines you point
(modularizing the CVS module, etc.). See a recent Slashdot post on this.

I would try both: posting in newsgroups and sending pointers to these
posts to relevant people in Netscape and in their community.

Off-topic (or not?) RANT: I spent more than 15 minutes to find the bug reference, including that I had forgotten the password and that the bugzilla search box is awful (It is not indexed by content, so no hope to find the text :-( ) I *hate* bugzilla a lot.

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