> > > this opens the question of "leaving the door open with no lock" really
> > > works in the long run or if we must live with "wiki terrorists".

> > The wiki theory is that it is so easy to repair vandalism that the
> > cretins basically lose interest in their juvenile activities.  For more
> > discourse on the subject, see:
> > http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?SocialAcceptabilityOfWikiVandalism

> while I basically agree with you on the Wiki point of view, the question
> (at least to me) remains, whether the Apache Wiki is an experiment in
> communication or a tool for documentation.

I'm not defending the approach.  I was simply pointing you to a site that
discusses it, and has a lot more experience that anyone here with respect to
Wiki vandalism.

My own opinion is that we could require end users to register, just as they
have to register for a mailing list.  The registration process would e-mail
a unique SSL cert to install into a browser.  With that SSL cert in place,
users can update the Wiki.  Without it, they are read-only.

        --- Noel

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