Jakarta Newsletter Issue 9

 Date: May-June 2003 
 Url: http://jakarta.apache.org/site/news/200305.html 

 It's been another good year at the JavaWorld Tools Awards [1] for
 Xerces2 Java Parser 2.4 from the Apache XML Project won the Best
Java-XML Tool award and Apache Ant 1.5 developed by the Apache Ant
Project won the Most Useful Java Community-Developed Technology. Good

 W3C has issued SOAP 1.2 as a recommendation. This means that the SOAP
1.2 specification is now (effectively) a web standard. Apache software
related to SOAP can be found in the Web Services and XML projects. The
press release is now available online [3].

 This newsletter is the second wiki-built newsletter. See the
for more details. Also, I sent the announcements to all the developers'
list in jakarta. It was a bit annoying I suppose, however, this
newsletter contains a lot of news from various projects, including
Jakarta Related Projects.


 Apache Ant, Avalon, James, Maven, Incubator, DB (OJB/TORQUE) are not
subprojects under Apache Jakarta any longer, however, we really
appreciate to hear the news from the Jakarta Related Projects.
I strongly hope/believe this "newsletter" would be able to become one
of the *liaison* for the various projects in ASF.

 I want to thank those who contributed and hope that you enjoy the read.
If you would like to comment further on any of the highlighted
discussions then please do so on the appropriate list [4],
if you want to comment on the newsletter itself then please point your
comments to general@jakarta.apache.org with [NEWSLETTER] prefixed

 [1] - http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-06-2003/jw-0609-eca.html
 [2] - http://xml.apache.org/xerces2-j/index.html
 [3] - http://www.w3.org/2003/06/soap12-pressrelease
 [4] - http://jakarta.apache.org/site/mail.html

 Editor: Tetsuya Kitahata
 Special Thanks: Robert Burrel Donkin

        Jakarta General 
        Jakarta Commons General 
                Jakarta Commons EL 
                Jakarta Commons FileUpload 
                Jakarta Commons DBCP 
                Jakarta Commons HttpClient 
                Jakarta Commons Lang 
                Jakarta Commons Math 
        Jakarta Jetspeed 
        Jakarta JMeter 
        Jakarta Log4j 
        Jakarta Lucene 
        Jakarta Poi 
        Jakarta Struts 
        Jakarta Tapestry 
        Jakarta Tomcat 
        Jakarta Turbine 
        Jakarta Velocity 
        Apache Ant Project 
        Apache Avalon Fortress 
        Apache DB OJB 
        Apache Httpd WebServer Project 
        Apache James Project 
        New Committers 
        Products avaliable as of the end of June, 2003 


Jakarta General
" Ideas, suggestions, and comments on the overall Jakarta project "

Editor: Tetsuya Kitahata

 Discussions on general mailing list have been fairly light-weight these
2 months. The Main page of the Jakarta Site has been updated in order to
arrange the "Jakarta-Related" projects properly. Now, Jakarta website
has renewed to become one of the most powerful "Java-Portal" sites. The
JavaOne Conference was held in June, and there seemed many atendees from
jakarta participants. 

 As Sun Microsystems set up the http://java.net/ site, there was alot of
talk surrounding this issue. 

 Jakarta Tapestry, which had been longed to become a Top Project in
Jakarta, finally joined in the Jakarta Umbrella in May. The first
proposal was made at General Mailing List in October last year by Howard
M. Lewis Ship, so it took about a half year. We look forward to the
Tapestry Team playing a more active part in Jakarta. 


Jakarta Commons General  
" creating and maintaining reusable Java components "

Editor: Robert Burrel Donkin, Tetsuya Kitahata

 An OnJava Article [1] covering the components in Jakarta Commons [2]
has been published. If you've ever wondered about what's all these
components do, this is a good place to start. Due to the diverse nature
of the commons group, this section has been split up to make it easier
to pick out the topics of interest. These months' stories come from the

 [1] - http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2003/06/25/commons.html 
 [2] - http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/ 

Jakarta Commons EL  
Editor: Robert Burrel Donkin

 The Commons Team is pleased to announce the 1.0 release of commons-EL.
EL is the JSP 2.0 Expression Language Interpreter from Apache 

 For more information see the EL component home page [1]. 

[1] - http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/el.html 
Jakarta Commons FileUpload  
Editor: Robert Burrel Donkin

 The Commons Team is pleased to announce the long-awaited release of
commons-fileupload 1.0. Good work Martin! 

 For more information see the FileUpload component home page [1]. 

 Thanks to Arnaud Vandyck FileUpload now is available as a Debian
Package [2]. 

[1] - http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/fileupload/ 
[2] - http://packages.debian.org/unstable/libs/libcommons-fileupload-java.html 

Jakarta Commons DBCP  
Editor: Serge Knystautas

 There has been renewed interest in DBCP, which has sparked a
requirements discussion. The list of bugs and tasks for the next release
are becoming clear, as well as how to extend DBCP moving forward. We
hope to have a good bug fix in the next month or two, and then have a
major release later this year. 

 For more information see the DBCP component home page [1]. 

[1] - http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/dbcp/ 

Jakarta Commons HttpClient  
Editor: Michael Becke

 HttpClient has continued to be busy. 2.0 beta 2 was released July 2 and
a final 2.0 version should follow shortly. 

 2.0 branch will be created in early July so that 2.1 development can
begin. The plan for 2.1 is coming together (2.1 release plan thread [1])
and will provide some significant refinement of the 2.0 release. 

 Adrian Sutton was warmly welcomed into the committer team in early June
and has continued to be a valuable member of the HttpClient community. 

 For more information please see the HttpClient component home page [2]. 

[1] - http://archives.apache.org/eyebrowse/[EMAIL 
[2] - http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/httpclient/ 

Jakarta Commons Lang  
Editor: Robert Burrel Donkin

 The lang team has been very busy pushing towards the 2.0 release [1].
The new 2.0 release should be cut very soon now (Release of Commons Lang
2.0 / take 2 [2]). 

 For more information, see the Commons-Lang website [3]. 

[1] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=jakarta-commons-dev&m=105729197700488&w=2 
[2] - http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=jakarta-commons-dev&m=105744550726520&w=2 
[3] - http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/lang/ 

Jakarta Commons Math  
Editor: Phil Steitz

 Commons-math is a new Commons Sandbox component. The goal is a small,
self-contained, ASL-licensed library of utilities addressing common
math/stat programming problems that can't be solved directly using the
JDK or the extensions in commons-lang. 

 Here is a sample of the kinds of things supported by the initial code

* Computing means, variances and other summary statistics for a list of
* Fitting a line to a set of data points using linear regression 
* Solving equations involving real-valued functions (i.e. root-finding) 
* Performing statistical significance tests 
* Solving systems of linear equations 
* Generating random numbers with more restrictions (e.g distribution,
range) than what is possible using the JDK 
* Generating random samples and/or datasets that are "like" the data in
an input file 
* Finding a smooth curve that passes through a collection of points
* Miscellaneous mathematical functions such as factorials and binomial

 Suggestions for new components or enhancements to existing
functionality are always welcome! 

 For more info, see the Commons-Math website [1]. 

[1] - http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/sandbox/math/ 


Jakarta Jetspeed  
" user customizable Java Enterprise Information Portal, using Java and
XML and based on Turbine framework "

Editor: Tetsuya Kitahata

 Jakarta Jetspeed Team realeased the Jetspeed 1.4 Beta 4 on 27 April
2003, and made a lot of changes after the Beta 4 Release [1]. Now, our
team is planning to release the official final release 1.4, long overdue
however, around the end of July or thereabouts. 

 Jakarta Jetspeed has grown in recognition and influence as an
internationalizable portal site system. The Jakarta Jetspeed Team
welcomes any input, feedback or comments. 

 For more information, see the Jakarta Jetspeed website [2]. 

[1] - http://jakarta.apache.org/jetspeed/site/changes.html 
[2] - http://jakarta.apache.org/jetspeed/site/ 


Jakarta Jmeter  
" Pure Java desktop application designed to load test functional
behavior and measure performance "


 JMeter has grown quickly in the past year, with new releases coming out
about every 6 months. Right now, JMeter 1.9 is nearing completion (see
the JMeter-1.9RC2 download page [5]). JMeter has become a full-fledged
client/server testing tool, useful for both stress testing and
functional testing of web apps, databases, ftp, soap services, ldap, and

 In the past few months, several articles have been written about

* Load Testing your Applications with Apache JMeter - By Keld H. Hansen
2003-02-05 - [1] 
* Using JMeter - By Budi Kurniawan 2003-01-15 - [2] 
* Regression Testing With JMeter - [3] 
  - [4] 

 For more information, visit our pages / Jakarta JMeter Homepage [5]. 

[1] - http://javaboutique.internet.com/tutorials/JMeter/ 
[2] - http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2003/01/15/jmeter.html 
[3] - http://www.phpbuilder.com/columns/bommarito20030610.php3 
[4] - http://clif.forge.objectweb.org/load_tools_overview.pdf 
[5] - http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/ 

Jakarta Log4j  
" Log4j allows developers to control which log statements are output
with arbitrary granularity "

Editor: Mark Womack, Ceki Gulcu

 Scott Deboy and Paul Smith have been enthusiastically voted in as log4j
committers. They have done extensive work on improving chainsaw and
other parts of log4j. In relation with this vote, Mark Womack stated: 

  With all of our new contributors, I think it is a validation of the
  sandbox  that we started.  It is an excellent way to let people
  contribute, get  familiar with the environment, process, etc.  And
  then when merit is  demonstrated, granting appropriate committer
  access.  I like that we set up  that process.  I think it has really
  rejuvenated and helped the log4j  development community, affecting my
  previous commentaries.  I hope it  continues and that more people out
  there will take advantage of it, start  the process for themselves,
  and get involved at whatever level they  can/want.

 Chainsaw v2 has been moved out of the sandbox into log4j main. 

 Certain operations on Loggers are now made using ReaderWriterLocks
which allows simultaneous read operations but only one write operation.
This should significantly improve logging throughput in heavily loaded
server environments. 

 Rolling can now be triggered based on time or size as was already the
case in log4j 1.2. However, the new architecture allows for much more
variation in the timing of the rollover and the actions taken during
rollover (i.e on the fly compression, renaming, moving). The new
architecture was suggested a long time ago by James P. Cakalic. A
similar design can be found in the Avalon Logkit. 

 We have started to closely collaborate with the Avalon project in order
to better cater for their needs. 

Jakarta Lucene  
" Lucene provides A high-performance, full-featured text search engine "

Editor: Otis Gospodnetic

 Lucene is still at version 1.3 RC1. Last month a Lucene JSP taglib [1]
was contributed to the Lucene project. 

 A new article entitled "Parsing, indexing, and searching XML with
Digester and Lucene" [2] was published by IBM developerWorks. 

 The LARM web crawler project has moved from the Lucene Sandbox to
SourceForge [3]. 

[1] - 
[2] - http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/j-lucene/ 
[3] - http://larm.sourceforge.net/ 

Jakarta Poi  
" APIs for manipulating various file formats based upon Microsoft's OLE
2 Compound Document format "

Editor: Tetsuya Kitahata

 We updated the build system from Crysalys Centipede to XML-Forrest.
Thanks to all the contributors to XML-Forrest. We are preparing the
release of the Poi 2.0-pre2 within a few days. Poi TNEF -- Java
implementation for MS-TNEF mail extraction -- will join to the Poi Team
contributed by Amichai Rothman (TNEF [1]). HDF (Horrible Document Format,
Microsoft Word compatible format reader/writer), inactive for some time,
has become active again due to our excellend developers. 

 The other prominent news in the last 2 months: 

* EXTSST record implemented 
* Cloning, Shifting, and Merging Updates (Cloning Fixes, Merged Region
Fixes, Shift Rows Enhancement) 
* POI 2.0-pre1 Released 
* Shared Formulas now Supported 
* Added GreaterEqual(>=), LessEqual(<=) and NotEqual(<>) to Formula
* Added GreaterThan(>) and LessThan(<) functionality to formulas 
POI Build System Updated 
* font names can now be null 

 For more information, see the Jakarta-Poi website [2] and Poi-News [3]. 

[1] - http://www.freeutils.net/source/jtnef/ 
[2] - http://jakarta.apache.org/poi/ 
[3] - http://nagoya.apache.org/poi/news/ 

Jakarta Struts  
" A model-view-controller framework for constructing web applications
with servlets and JavaServer Pages "

Editor: Tetsuya Kitahata

 The Struts team is proud, and extremely pleased, to announce the Final
release of Struts 1.1. This release includes significant new
functionality, as well as umerous bug fixes which were reported against
the previous release, and supersedes the earlier 1.0.2 version as the
latest official release of Struts from the Apache Software Foundation. 

 Both source [1] and binary [2] distributions, including a minimal
binary distribution, are available through the usual Apache mirror sites.
Please remember to verify the signatures of the distribution using the
keys found on the main Apache web site when downloading from a mirror. 

 Also, as of June 25, 2003, there were 2744 subscribers to STRUTS-USER
(plus an unknown number who read it through newsfeed mirrors). It has
come to be the largest user mailing list at Jakarta, exceeding
TOMCAT-USER that has about 2400 subscribers. 

 For more information, see the Struts web site [3]. 

[1] - http://jakarta.apache.org/site/sourceindex.cgi 
[2] - http://jakarta.apache.org/site/binindex.cgi 
[3] - http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/ 

Jakarta Tapestry  
" Tapestry provides web framework which seeks to find greater harmony
between web designers and developers "

Editor: Howard M. Lewis Ship

 The Jakarta Tapestry team is tickled pink by the ascension of Tapestry
to a full Jakarta sub-project [1]. The first beta release of Tapestry
has been released [2]. Tapestry distributions are now properly mirrored
(now more SourceForge downloads!). A second beta is expected soon. 

 The Tapestry user list currently stands at 250 subscribers (as of July
5, 2003). 

 Christian Sell has written an article [3] comparing the WebWork and
Tapestry frameworks. The article was published in the German language
magazine Javamagazin [3]. The text of the article is available (in
German) at [4], and its very favorable to Tapestry. Tapestry continues
to gain mind-share. 

Editor: Richard Lewis-Shell

 May saw Tapestry accepted as a full-fledged Jakarta project [1] - the
incubator is behind us! Since then Tapestry has continued to thrive,
making solid progress towards the first release under the Jakarta banner
- 3.0. A feature complete beta-1, and a quick followup beta-1a, have
been released [2], with beta-2 imminent. beta-2 will feature a number of
bug fixes, and small enhancements over beta-1a, and Mind Bridge's
converted code enhancer from BCEL to Javassist. Attention is starting to
turn to 3.1 with a refactoring to Howard Lewis Ship's HiveMind [5]
sandbox project on the cards. 

 In related news, Geoff Longman has made an early version of Spindle [6]
available (the Eclipse IDE plugin for Tapestry) for Tapestry 3 looking
quite unlike previous versions of Spindle, but showing great potential. 

 For more information, see the Jakarta Tapestry website [7]. 

[1] - http://jakarta.apache.org/site/news.html#20030526.1 
[2] - http://jakarta.apache.org/site/news.html#20030602.1 
[3] - http://www.javamagazin.de/ 
[4] - http://www.dynabean.de/article/Typologie.html 
[5] - http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/sandbox/hivemind/ 
[6] - http://spindle.sourceforge.net/ 
[7] - http://jakarta.apache.org/tapestry/ 

Jakarta Tomcat  
" Tomcat is the official Reference Implementation of the Servlet 2.* and
JavaServer Pages 1.* technologies "

Editor: Remy Maucherat

 The Tomcat team is hard working on Tomcat 5, with the recent release of
Tomcat 5.0.3, and the upcoming Tomcat 5.0.4 release (another alpha). The
quality of Tomcat 5.0.3 seems to be quite high for an alpha (which isn't
that surprising given it is a direct evolution of the Tomcat 4.1.x
codebase), so we encourage fearless users to test drive it and report

Planned July builds: 

* Tomcat 4.1.25: bugfix only release 
* Tomcat 5.0.4 and 5.0.5: bugfix and polish over 5.0.3 
* mod_jk 1.2.5: mod_jk 1.x bugfix release 

 For more information, see the Jakarta-Tomcat Website [1]. 

[1] - http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/ 

Jakarta Turbine  
" a servlet based framework that allows developers to quickly build
secure web applications "

Editor: Henning Schmiedehausen

 Since its last release on Dec, 6 2002, the Turbine Web Application
Framework has undergone some significant improvements and changes. 

 Most of the sore points (Logging, Configuration, Component Integration)
have been addressed, improved and resolved. Currently, the Turbine
Developers are working hard towards the next release which is scheduled
for Mid to End of July. A first Release Candidate (RC) is to be expected
around July, 7th. 

 Changes from the last release include: 

* Usage of commons-logging everywhere for unified logging of all parts
of an application 
* Centralized configuration with the ability to configure from XML files
and JNDI servers 
* Multiple new security implementations, including LDAP and a flexible,
database driven security service 
* Crypto Service for various kinds of encryption (including Unix crypt) 
* Completely overhauled and reworked input validation service (Intake) 
* Many bug fixes and code cleanups 

 An Avalon Component Service is available which allows users to
integrate Avalon components into Turbine applications. The Turbine
Development Team recommends using this new Service for accessing the
Torque object persistence framework which is the foundation for some of
the Turbine Services such as Security Service and Scheduler Service. 

 For more information see the Homepage of the Jakarta Turbine Project [1]. 

[1] - http://jakarta.apache.org/turbine/ 

Jakarta Velocity  
" Velocity is a general purpose Java-based template engine "

Editor: Will Glass-Husain

 After a long period of quiet, the Velocity developer community has
recently gained some new momentum. Work has begun on a patch to add
floating point number capability to the velocity syntax. Other changes
under discussion include 

* Support for defining maps 
* New rules for whitespace gobbling 
* "Local Scope" for variables, e.g. in macros 
* Filters to munge text 
* Multi-line #set directives, Strings and ArrayList definitions 

 Also, the VelocityTools subproject has been stable for months now and
is nearing first release. Among other things, it provides good support
for rapid, clean development of web applications with Velocity and
optional integration with the Struts framework. Anyone developing web
applications with Velocity needs to check this out. 

 More info is on the velocity-dev list. Please come and share any
comments you might have! 

Apache Ant Project  
" Apache Ant is a Java-based build tool "

Editor: Conor MacNeill, Steve Loughran

 In addition to Ant's Java World Editors' Award, the Apache Ant has also
been awarded the Java Pro Readers' Choice award for Most Valuable Java
Deployment Technology. 

 Anyone upgrading to Java1.4.2 should note that <javah> breaks, on
account of the entry point to the javah code being moved. This is fixed
in CVS, and may merit a release of an update of the 1.5.x branch simply
to reduce developer grief. We must actually credit Sun for giving us an
early warning of the change, but cannot fail to observe that leaving
entry points alone would have been better. 

 In the Ant core itself work on the new task loading mechanism <antlib>
is progressing; once this is stable it should improve how tasks load. To
address with the related increase in .jar files that come from splitting
optional.jar up by dependency Conor has recently added an alternate
startup mechanism, Launcher, which should offload much of the work of
the surprisingly troublesome startup scripts into the Java code itself.
With a single means of adding ANT_HOME/lib jars to the classpath,
finding the JDK and such like, life should be easier for everyone,
especially those who insist on installing Java in directories with
spaces in them. 

 Ant is gearing up for the 1.6 release. There will be a number of new
features and improvements. There is still a lot of development to do so
it's a month or two away at this stage. There are things such as the
import task, xdocs documentation generation, possible type polymorphism,
etc. There are nightly builds to try now if you want to see what sort of
features are coming and you want to test them out. 

 There is a new task <scriptdef> allowing tasks to be created from BSF
scripts. It's a piece of a larger, interesting discussion about
scripting within Ant. One approach is speculating about the use of
scripting based alternatives to the Ant XML representation that still
leverage the tasks in the Ant codebase. 

 There is a new book on Ant in the stores, "Extreme Programming with Ant",
by Niemeyer and Poteet. Covering Ant 1.5.3, JUnit, XDoclet and related
tools with an XP build and deploy focus. It sounds like an interesting

Apache Avalon Fortress  
Editor: Anton Tagunov

 The long awaited Fotress 1.0 has finally been released. 

 Implementing full support for Avalon 4 interfaces Fortress provides a
straightforward upgrade path from the outdated ECM Avalon container. 

 The most lightweight of the modern Avalon containers Fortress is easy
to embed into managed environments like servlet engines. It features
high scalability and facilates creation of application-specific avalon

 The difference that all ECM users will notice is the decomission of
role files -- this information is now expressable via javadoc tags in
component's source. 

 For more information, see the Avalon Fortress website [1]. 

[1] - http://avalon.apache.org/excalibur/fortress/ 

Apache DB OJB  
" Object/Relational mapping tool that allows transparent persistence for
Java Objects against relational databases "

Editor: Thomas Mahler

 OJB is in the process of finalizing a 1.0 release. We plan to have a
new release candidate in July and hope to get out the 1.o release by end
of July. In the last months OJB attracted more public attention. 

* There is an article at OnJava: [1] 
* There has been a technical workshop on Struts and OJB at JavaOne: [2] 
* Several books on opensource development now cover OJB in some detail 

 For more information, visit the Apache DB OJB (object relational bridge)
website [3]. 

[1] - http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2003/01/08/ojb.html 
[2] - 
[3] - http://db.apache.org/ojb/ 

Apache Httpd WebServer Project  
Editor: Robert Burrell Donkin

 May saw a new release in the web's most popular family of web servers.
Apache HTTPD 2.0.46 is the latest and greatest version and is now
available for download. 

 For more details see the HTTPD WebServer Project Home Page [1]. 

[1] - http://httpd.apache.org/ 

Apache James Project  
" Apache James offers a mail and news server, supporting Mailets, SMTP,
POP3, NNTP, and soon..IMAP "

Editor: Serge Knystautas

 The James team has been on a roll lately, incorporating several
long-outstanding feature requests into the stable 2.X release branch.
The biggest new feature is a custom class-loading system, so custom
mailets and matchers do not need to be built and included within James
itself. This will allow much faster and easier development of email
based applications. 

 James was featured this month on IBM Developer works with two excellent
articles by Claude Duguay. He first introduces "users to James" [1] and
then gets into "building some custom mailets and matchers" [2]. 

 Other recent changes include clarifying exception handling and adding
the ability to configure how James should handle these unexpected errors.
There have also been a large number of bug fixes, and we are rolling out
releases almost every month. Some upcoming features include an enhanced
mailing list system, better database connection pooling, and some
improvements to the mailet API. The differences between the 2.X and the
3.X branch are gradually shrinking as features are being backported to
the current stable branch. 

 Since becoming a top-level project (TLP), the James community continues
to experience strong growth, this spring averaging over 12,000 downloads
per month. Vincenzo joined us as a new ASF committer this month, and we
plan to continue to grow the developer community. We have recently
migrated our CVS and mailing lists to reflect our new TLP status, so
please check the website if you want to subscribe or check out the
source code. 

 For more information, visit the Apache James website [3]. 

[1] - http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-james1.html 
[2] - http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-james2.html 
[3] - http://james.apache.org/ 

New Committers  
" New Committers welcomed to Apache.Org"

* Amichai Rothman: amichai at amichais.net
* Yoav Shapira: yoavs at apache.org 
  (Jakarta-Tomcat, Jakarta-log4j-sandbox) 
* Adrian Sutton: adrian at apache.org
  (Jakarta-Commons - HttpClient) 
* Jan Materne: jhm at apache.org
* Michal Maczka: michal at apache.org
* Vincenzo Gianferrari Pini: vincenzo at apache.org
* Tim Funk: funkman at apache.org
* Mark R. Diggory: mdiggory at apache.org
  (Jakarta-Commons - Math) 
* Anton Tagunov: atagunov at apache.org
* Jeremy Ford: jford at apache.org
* Tetsuya Kitahata: tetsuya at apache.org
  (Jakarta-Site2, Jakarta-Poi) 

" Products List available as of the end of June "

<<Jakarta Project>>

<Library, Tool, API>

* BCEL          5.1  
* BSF           2.3.0  
* ECS           1.4.1  
* JMeter        1.8.1(1.9-RC2)  
* Log4j         1.2.8  
* ORO           2.0.7 (2.0.8-dev-1)  
* POI           1.5.1 (2.0-pre1)  
* Regexp        1.2 (1.3-dev)  
* Taglibs       1.2  
* Watchdog      4.0.0  

<Framework, Engine>

* Cactus        1.4.1  
* Lucene        1.3-rc1  
* GUMP          -  
* Struts        1.1  
* Tapestry      3.0-beta-1a  
* Turbine       2.2.0 (2.3-dev)  
* Turbine Fulcrum       3.0-beta1  
* Turbine JCS           -  
* Turbine TDK           2.2a2  
* Velocity      1.3.1  

<Server Applications>

* Alexandria    0.1  
* Jetspeed      1.4-beta4  
* Slide         1.0.16  
* Tomcat 3      3.3.1a  
* Tomcat 4      4.1.24  
* Tomcat 5      5.0.3-alpha  

<Jakarta Commons Component>

* BeanUtils     1.6.1  
* Betwixt       1.0-alpha1  
* CLI           1.0  
* Codec         1.1  
* Collections   2.1  
* DBCP          1.0  
* Digester      1.5  
* Discovery     0.2  
* EL            1.0  
* FileUpload    1.0  
* HttpClient    2.0-beta2  
* Jelly         1.0-Beta3  
* Jexl          Nightly Builds Only  
* JXPath        1.1  
* Lang          1.0.1  
* Latka         1.0-alpha1  
* Logging       1.0.3  
* Modeler       1.1M1  
* Net           1.0.0  
* Pool          1.0.1  
* Validator     1.0.2  

<<Jakarta Related Projects>>

* Apache Ant            1.5.3-1  
* Avalon Framework      4.1.4  
* Avalon Excalibur      4.1  
* Avalon Logkit         1.2  
* Avalon Cornerstone    -  
* Avalon ECM            -  
* Avalon Fortress       1.0  
* Avalon Phoenix        4.0.4  
* Avalon Merlin         -  
* Apache DB OJB         1.0-rc3  
* Apache DB Torque      3.1-alpha2  
* Apache HTTPD          2.0.46  
* Incubator AltRMI      0.9.1  
* Incubator FTPServer   0.1  
* Apache James          2.1.3  
* Apache Maven          1.0-beta10  

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