Stefano Mazzocchi applauded:
> on 7/10/03 4:21 PM Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:
> > So an apache-wide newsletter would be great. And posting it to apache
> > announce, or even xposting it to all announce mailing list - sure. I'd
> > love that. Having it on the web is nice for archival too - but I
> > do not mind 5-25k of well written quality newsletter (like the recent
> > or like apache week) delivered to my doorstep.
> >
> > Keep up the good work - and think broad - there are no real boundaries
> > the ASF, except for those we invent ourselves.

> I can hardly agree more with Dirk's view.


> I think we should have an apache-wide newsletter and deliver it thru
> once a month.

+1 except for the frequency, which I shan't comment upon.  Kitahata-san
seems to have taken upon his shoulders the chief responsibility for pulling
together the newsletter.  Those who do the work ought to have a say in the

If there is a widespread objection to posting the newsletter body, posting a
brief notice with link is hard to argue against.

> At apachecon one of the most packed sessions is always the explaination
> about all the different projects in one confy session.

I had a lot of people in all of my "A Visitors Guide to Jakarta" sessions
last year at Colorado Software Summit (

> I think it would be a great tool to increase crosspollination
> and awareness even for people inside the ASF (me first!)

Anything that increases collaboration, and decreases NIH is good.  :-)

        --- Noel

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