On Fri, 11 Jul 2003 01:24:23 +0100
"Rob Oxspring" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One point I would like to make though, and not wanting to detract
> from this fantastic issue (thanks Tetsuya!), is that keeping the up
> the momentum has proved difficult at times over the last year and
> that not every project has something useful to say every month. 
> Building the newsletter via the wiki makes it easier to contribute
> but I suspect that the normal size of a monthly apache newsletter
> still wouldn't be much bigger than this one.  I guess what I'm saying
> is that I think we should let the newsletter grow too big before we
> start carving it up into even/odd months or similar schemes.

In creation of "Jakarta Newsletter Issue 9",  I tried several things
by way of experiment.

1. Announced to all the -dev list (not cross-post) to solicit
2. Announced here in community@ to solicit contributors
2. Added the list of the "New Committers" -- welcomed to apache.org
3. Added the list of the "products available as of the end of the month"
4. Added various news from jakarta-related
5. Posted the news (articles) here in community@

In this process, I came across many things which should be piled
up for the successors as *knowledge*. Also, I think this know-how
might be applicable to the "XML-Newsletter"/"Apache-Newsletter"/...

I really thank to all the contributors and the predecessors
(Rob and Robert).


-- Tetsuya ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

P.S. Maybe, in the next newsletter, I can add the *Readers' Opinions* or
*Readers' View* subsection (^_^)

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