On Fri, Sep 19, 2003 at 10:03:12AM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Ceki Gülcü <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 18/09/2003 11:55:43 PM:
> > Everyone would agree that spreading the good word on ApacheCon US 2003
> > will contribute significantly to its success.
> > Thus, I urge all ASF projects (and subprojects) follow their example
> > and add a prominent icon to their project pages. Please do not wait
> There's no coverage on some of the top level projects you mention, e.g. no 
> sessions on Ant, Avalon, James & Maven.

And your point would be? That since ApacheCon doesn't have a session on
James, that the James home page should not advertise ApacheCon? That
because Maven isn't present, that the Maven PMC should ignore ApacheCon?

I really hope that I'm reading your message wrong...

The more successful ApacheCon is, the more successful the ASF is. We *all*
gain by helping ApacheCon be successful.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] ... ASF Chairman ... http://www.apache.org/

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