On Thursday, Oct 16, 2003, at 18:56 Europe/Rome, Ben Hyde wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Ben Hyde wrote:

- ben (who thinks that the web of PGP signatures doesn't grow because people can't figure out the rules and are embaressed to admit it)

..or they haven't been given a reason to care.

My dear friend Stefano - go ahead, pull my cord, bait me, tease me...

yep, that was the goal! :-)

Hot button: How to make your community more action oriented: Don't focus on motives for actions, focus on barriers that prevent those actions.

There is a wonderful bit of psych research on this. They were attempting to see if people[1] were better motivated by reason or fear. So they made two pamphlets, one explained the benefits of testing for STDs and the other painted a horrific picture of the consequences of going untreated. Much to their frustration the behavior of the students was mostly indistinguishable. Both approaches resulted in some increase in the desired behavior.

But this is the important bit.

They then made a 'slight' modification to the pamphlets. They provided directions on how to get to the clinic along with it's hours of operation. This single change made all the difference.

  - ben :-)

[1] undergrads actually.

Point taken and understood, but ask yourself: would have they gone to the clinic if they didn't know what a clinic was?

If somebody doesn't know what difference does it make to have a key signed or not, why would he/she want to go thru it?

Before giving the clinic hours of operation, you should at least tell them what a clinic actually is for, no?

Stefano, crypto ignorant but fascinated by it

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