According to Sander Temme:

> Why would we have to be confident of their identity? Immediately above, 
> you just say that "you believe that key is associated with the correct
> person". So we vouch for the connection between that particular
> carbon-based lifeform and said key. Why would we care who the state or
> country that they come from says they are?

Well, a pgp key user ID usually includes a first and last name
(and of course the email address) a signatures indicates that the
signee has verified that the key is associated with the person
given in the user ID field. Asking for an official picture ID
is usually a good method to verify the person's name.

Personally, I never sign keys that contain no name or only
some funny nickname (I only made a single exception in the past).

Lars Eilebrecht             - I may not agree with what you say, but
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     - I will defend to death your right to encrypt it!

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