On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 05:38:20 +0100
"David Reid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > On the other way, I wonder how Tetsuya gives the job too easily.
> > There was no strong criticism.  Simply the request that instead of the
> > entire newsletter, an announcement be posted.  Other than that, the
> > newsletter (and Tetsuya's handling of it) have received praise and strong
> > support.
> Exactly.

Yes, I think so. Just I got felt dizzy and nauseous in this morning
(GMT+0900), after reading the controversy occured at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# Still I require tranquilizer, however :-)


Of course, I know that the FAT mails would get nerves of some
people, however, I DID want to let the *precious* efforts of the
contributors and developers to be known by as many readers as possible
and to be widespread. I did not want to assassinate the *precious*
embryos of the efforts of the developers, our amigos.

It is so called -- AMBIVALENCE -- in psychology term.

IIRC, I declared, "I want to do experiments twice or three times." here
in [EMAIL PROTECTED] Because the Apache Software Foundation must be
expected to be the sandbox of "trial and error" for the contributors.


Here, as I declared the resignation of the Editor of newsletter, I put
my proposals for the next newsletter. (proposal as a ***third party***)


1. Creation of the [EMAIL PROTECTED] which is an aimed mailinglist
for the readers of the apache newsletter. --  issued bi-monthly (This
should depend upon the Editors' decisions, however)
2. When "The Apache Newsletter Issue #X" released (on the web),
the Editor can post to announce@apache.org about the "release"
of the newsletter. This would be expected to contain the brief
headlines of the newsletter. (As Noel mentioned)
3. The Editor would be expected to post to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"a few days after" the announcement at announce@apache.org
4. (OPTIONAL) There are many Java Developers who want to catch
up with what is going on @ apache, so editor would be expected
to post to announcements@jakarta.apache.org about the release
of the newsletter as well (#2).


Any thoughts? >> all

(If we can achieve the good consensus of opinion here, I think I will be
wholeheartedly able to pass a baton of the task of the newsletter
editor to the others.)

-- Tetsuya. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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