On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 10:44:30 +0100
Santiago Gala wrote:

> >> http://www.superbad.com/robots.txt
> > ... :-)  Poetic!
> If you find this poetic, you will no doubt enjoy the Cyberiad 
> (Stanislaw Lem). An excellent book. I remember specially the story 
> where a psychiatric for robots is described, with a hypochondriac robot 
> carrying a cart with spares.

Great! Thank you for the info.

To tell the truth, now I am thinking of our "brain"s.
(I am calling myself as "brain-net explorer" .. :-)

"Can robot (computer) have its EMOTIONs?" etc...
# The answer would be NO.
So, I felt that description (robot.txt) very "poetic" and "meaningful".

1. Current Computer is able to replace our left-side cerebral cortex
    (Brain for calculation -- 1+1 => 2 styled calc)
2. Quantum Computer will be able to relace our right-side
    cerebral cortex 
    (Brain for innovation/imagination -- 2 => 1+1 styled calc)

Cerebral cortex is the part of our brain, which makes us "human beings".
(Other animals can not "count" (calculate) because they do not need such
abilities in order to Conserve Species. "Identification"/"Organization"
and communication abilities would be enough for them to do it)
On the other hand, limbic system (left-side and right-side) is "animals'
brain) ... I do not know / I can not imagine what will be able to
replace our limbic system.

So, "How robot can recognize itself as robot" is really interesting
issue for me. -- meaningful


-- Tetsuya. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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