There is SVNwiki, but it only uses SVN as the database backend; it's not designed to have the content also be edited directly, though someone could carefully do that.

The issue is that Wikis do things to data on the way in, from syntax checking to (perhaps) glossary-izing, as well as to the data on the way out. Viewing the raw data in a simple text editor results in something that may be hard to read; editing the data may result in an inconsistant Wiki database. Just like calling SQL directly on data stored in a DB avoids the normalizing that application logic applies to it.


On Tue, 26 Apr 2005, Shane Curcuru wrote:
Here's a brilliant idea! I'd love to find a wiki that also supports updates via some sort of geek-oriented interface, like CVS or SVN. That way, we could please both the millions of folks who like using the web - and can usually figure out how to update wikis pretty easily - as well as many of the really geeky folks in our community who can't stand wikis, but use CVS to store their home directories.

Any pointers? Apologies in advance if I missed a really obvious wiki that easily supports a pluggable content provider, including CVS - I'm horrible at googling sometimes.

- Shane

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