On Fri, 2007-03-30 at 10:21 +0200, Henning Schmiedehausen wrote:
> Very nice! I love the compactness and readability of Ruby (no joke!).
> If you are interested in a more overengineered solution to that problem, 
> there is CodeWrestler at 
> http://henning.schmiedehausen.org/eyewiki/Wiki.jsp?page=CodeWrestler 
> Especially the license.ReLicense and license.CheckLicense modules.
> I use this tool on the projects that I work on and e.g. the last 
> Velocity Release got its license headers 'codewrestled'... :-)


seems like there are number of people from different projects all
working in this area :-)

> Matthieu Riou schrieb:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I've just written a small Ruby script to check whether all your files 
> > have the Apache license headers and optionally add them where they're 
> > missing. 

this is the area RAT started out in

the real problem isn't ensure that every file has the current license
header but that each file has the appropriate license header. this
turned out to be quite a complex little  problem but i think i
understand it now.

i haven't really found the time to push RAT forward this year in the way
that i would have hope to. if anyone wants to combine their efforts in
this area or would be interested in analysis of the problem and possible
solutions, that'd be great.

- robert

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