I've RSVPd to the open source dinner on Wed. Having a lunch with all
Apache folks on friday would be great. IIRC there are some restaurants
at Metropolis. I'm not sure if they are open at lunch.


On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 7:09 PM, isabel <isa...@apache.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 06:59:37PM +0100, Steven Noels wrote:
>> There's an 'open source' dinner Wednesday night, apparently.
>> http://twitter.com/#!/search/devoxx%20open%20source%20dinner  >>
>> http://twitter.com/#!/analytically/status/3779743597985792
> I hope to make it there. As for the Apache one we should either "abuse" the 
> open source dinner and co-ordinate, or host ours at a different day. (Given 
> the schedules posted earlier the lattter one seems more likely?)
> Isabel
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