
Robert Michel schrieb am Freitag, den 15. Dezember 2006 um 19:45h:
> Did I alread mentioned the idea to have a capacitor parallel
> to the battery? So the Neo1973 cold call the police even without
> battery and the simcard and transmitt the coordinates of the phone.

Without SIM card is the keyword. There are people got into trouble,
especialy in the mountains and they didn't made an emergency call
because their GSM network was not strong enough.
Only a few GSM user does know that then it help to remove the SIM 
card to do a emergency call with any GSM network.

This could be implemented in the phone software, that for every
emergency call (112/911) is deactivated, or just automaticaly when
your SIM card has no connection to the own network/a roaming partner.

The screen text should help the user to stay cool
and inform that this connection is possible.
Also in cooperation with some emergency hotlines
a short info who to do a emergency call best could
be usefull.

Is it possible to send SMS or to use a data connection to a emergency 
hotline? I think at a situation when the network has a lot of load
/traffic jam or the network connection would be realy weak, that a
short sucessful connection could transmit message.

BTW emergency call:
On the longterm an OpenMokophone with satellite
module could be interesting :) Phoning somewhere on a sea
with an OpenMoko phone.

And situations like  Hurrican Kartrina has shown that informing the 
relatives is very difficult in such situation. So OpenMoko could be
more than a system for a phone - when somewhere in the world the 
user has VoIP/Email/SMS/Chat server, one SMS could inform all his
relatives/friends or a special voice mailbox would allow others
to hear and leave important messages even when he and you doesn't
have the infrastructure to phone with own phones.


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